When good deeds hurt : the potential costs of interpersonal helping and the moderating roles of impression management and prosocial values motives
2018 |
Eissa, Gabi |
Jekyll and Hyde leadership : a multilevel, multisample examination of charisma and abuse on follower and team outcomes
2018 |
Lee, Junghyun |
From empowerment to multilevel creativity : the role of employee self-perceived status and feedback-seeking climate
2018 |
Li, Ran |
Organizational psychological capital during earnings conference calls : mitigating shareholders' sell-off in the face of earnings surprises?
2018 |
Jancenelle, Vivien E. |
Performance outcomes of investing slack resources in corporate social responsibility
2018 |
Mattingly, James E. |
Employee responses to empowering leadership : a meta-analysis
2018 |
Kim, Minseo |
Mastery goal orientation and performance affect the development of leader efficacy during leader development
2018 |
Johnson, Stefanie K. |
Toward a "meaningful self" at the workplace : multinational evidence from Asia, Europe, and North America
2018 |
Busse, Ronald |
Authentic emotional displays, leader-member exchange, and emotional exhaustion
2018 |
Medler-Liraz, Hana |
Distinguished scholars invited essay : becoming a good sport and a better performer : a social information processing view of authentic leadership
2018 |
Schriesheim, Chester A. |
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? : the influence of leader style, distance, and leader-follower mental model congruence on creative performance
2018 |
Griffith, Jennifer A. |
Psychological capital for leader development
2018 |
Pitichat, Thiraput |
Organization-based self-esteem and meaningful work mediate effects of empowering leadership on employee behaviors and well-being
2018 |
Kim, Minseo |
Responses to feedback : the role of acceptance, affect, and creative behavior
2018 |
Christensen-Salem, Amanda |
Idiosyncratic deals to employee outcomes : mediating role of social exchange relationships
2018 |
Satvir Singh |
Quitting the boss? : the role of manager influence tactics and employee emotional engagement in voluntary turnover
2018 |
Reina, Christopher S. |
The role of workplace popularity : links to employee characteristics and supervisor-rated outcomes
2018 |
Garden, Rebecca |
Lacerations of the soul : rejection-sensitive business school faculty and perceived publication performance
2018 |
Day, Nancy E. |
The effect of transformational leadership and job autonomy on promotive and prohibitive voice : a two-wave study
2018 |
Svendsen, Mari |
Can empowering leaders affect subordinates' well-being and careers because they encourage subordinates' job crafting behaviors?
2018 |
Kim, Minseo |