Trait correlates of success at work
2017 |
Teodorescu, Alexandra |
Applying organizational justice theory to admission into higher education : admission from a student perspective
2017 |
Niessen, A. Susan M. |
Equivalence of unproctored internet testing and proctored paper-and-pencil testing of the Big Five
2017 |
Le Corff, Yann |
The general factor of personality and job performance : revisiting previous meta-analyses
2017 |
Pelt, Dirk H. M. |
International comparison of group differences in general mental ability for immigrants versus non-immigrants
2017 |
Robie, Chet |
Is a .51 validity coefficient good? : value ssensitivity for interview validity
2017 |
Highhouse, Scott |
Pre-employment risk screening : comparability of integrity assessment technology platforms
2017 |
Dages, Kelly D. |
The validity of the Big Five personality traits for job performance : meta-analyses of South Africa studies
2017 |
Van Aarde, Ninette |
A closer look at the measurement of dispositional reasoning : dimensionality and invariance across assessor groups
2017 |
De Kock, Franc̦ois S. |
Predicting expatriate effectiveness : the role of personality, cross-cultural adjustment, and organizaional support
2017 |
Salgado, Jesús F. |
Fearless dominance and performance in field sales : a predictive study
2017 |
Titze, Julia |
Comparing applicants and incumbents : effects of response distortion on mean scores and validity of personality measures
2017 |
Jeong, Ye Ra |
Family interference with work and its relationship with organizational citizenship and counterproductive work behaviors
2017 |
Mercado, Brittany K. |
Future of research published in the International Journal of Selection and Assessment : incoming editor's perspective
2017 |
Dilchert, Stephan |
"Without the spelling errors I would have shortlisted her..." : the imapct of spelling errors on recruiters' choice during the personnel selection process
2017 |
Martin-Lacroux, Christelle |
Faking under a nonlinear relationship between personality assessment scores and job performance
2017 |
Lee, HyeSun |
Counterproductive behaviors : relations across life domains, etiology, and implications for applied practice
2017 |
Stanek, Kevin C. |
Engagement, procedural fairness, and perceived fit as predictors of applicant withdrawal intentions : a longitudinal field study
2017 |
Giumetti, Gary W. |
Relationships of analytical, practical, and emotional intelligence with behavioral dimensions of performance of top managers
2017 |
Baczy´nska, Anna |
An exploratory study of current performance management practices : human resource executives' perspectives
2017 |
Gorman, C. Allen |