Buffett's alpha : further explanations from a behavioral value investing perspective
2019 |
Otuteye, Eben |
Extreme spillovers of VIX fear index to international equity markets
2019 |
Massaporn Cheuathonghua |
Bitcoin fluctuations and the frequency of price overreactions
2019 |
Caporale, Guglielmo Maria |
High-frequency trading : a literature review
2019 |
Virgilio, Gianluca Piero Maria |
Price dynamics in corn cash and futures markets : cointegration, causality, and forecasting through a rolling window approach
2019 |
Xu, Xiaojie |
Alpha forecasting in factor investing : discriminating between the informational content of firm characteristics
2019 |
Heinrich, Lars |
Machine learning in empirical asset pricing
2019 |
Weigand, Alois |
Common risk factors in international stock markets
2019 |
Schmidt, Peter S. |
What is the best Lévy model for stock indices? : a comparative study with a view to time consistency
2019 |
Massing, Till Philipp Georg |
Incorporating financial market volatility to improve forecasts of directional changes in Australian share market returns
2019 |
Erdugan, Riza |
What drives stock returns in Japan?
2019 |
Liang, Samuel Xin |
Oil, the Baltic Dry index, market (il)liquidity and business cycles : evidence from net oil-exporting/oil-importing countries
2019 |
Said, Husaini |
Risk estimation for short-term financial data through pooling of stable fits
2019 |
De Donno, Marzia |
Does the market model provide a good counterfactual for event studies in finance?
2019 |
Castro Iragorri, Carlos Alberto |
Thematic portfolio optimization : challenging the core satellite approach
2019 |
Methling, Florian |
Long-term negative fund alpha : is it caused by bad skill or bad luck?
2018 |
Bu, Qiang |
Hedge fund incentives, management commitment and survivorship
2018 |
Qiu, Judy |
The dynamic dependence between stock markets in the greater China economic area : a study based on extreme values and copulas
2018 |
Hussain, Saiful Izzuan |
What really happens if the positive definiteness requirement on the covariance matrix of returns is relaxed in efficient portfolio selection?
2018 |
Kwan, Clarence C. Y. |
Financial crises, price discovery, and information transmission : a high-frequency perspective
2018 |
Füss, Roland |