Order exposure and liquidity coordination : does hidden liquidity harm price efficiency?
2019 |
Cebiroglu, Gökhan |
Assessing MiFID II regulation on tick sizes : a transaction costs analysis viewpoint
2019 |
Laruelle, Sophie |
Price impact in a latent order book
2019 |
Lemhadri, Ismael |
Nash equilibrium for risk-averse investors in a market impact game with transient price impact
2019 |
Luo, Xiangge |
A note on Almgren-Chriss optimal execution problem with geometric Brownian motion
2019 |
Baldacci, Bastien |
Limit order book (LOB) shape modeling in presence of heterogeneously informed market participants
2019 |
Drame, Mouhamad |
Rethinking decimalization : the impact of increased tick sizes on trading activity, volatility, and price clustering
2019 |
Blau, Benjamin |
Trade Intensity and Liquidity
2018 |
Brigida, Matt |
Mid-Price estimation for European corporate bonds : a particle filtering approach
2018 |
Guéant, Olivier |
The cross-sectional spillovers of single stock circuit breakers
2018 |
Brugler, James |
Stock illiquidity and firm characteristics
2018 |
Gakhar, Divya Verma |
Liquidation in target zone models
2018 |
Belak, Christoph |
Mini-flash crashes, model risk, and optimal execution
2018 |
Bayraktar, Erhan |
Large Large-trader activity weakens the long memory of limit order markets
2018 |
Primicerio, Kevin |
Multi-level order-flow imbalance in a limit order book
2018 |
Xu, Ke |
Order-Book Modeling and Market Making Strategies
2018 |
Lu, Xiaofei |
Slow decay of impact in equity markets : insights from the ANcerno database
2018 |
Bucci, Frédéric |
Hybrid marked point processes : characterization, existence and uniqueness
2018 |
Morariu-Patrichi, Maxime |
Dynamical regularities of US equities opening and closing auctions
2018 |
Challet, Damien |
Information and inventories in high-frequency trading
2017 |
Muhle-Karbe, Johannes |