Examining the effects of social media use on job satisfaction in the Australian public service : testing self-determination theory
2018 |
Demircioglu, Mehmet Akif |
Conditional factors of political budget cycles : economic development, media pressure, and political fragmentation
2018 |
Cuadrado-Ballesteros, Beatriz |
Workforce policy and care quality in English long-term elder care
2018 |
Atkinson, Carol |
The ethical implications of altering public sector accountability models : the case of the Atlanta cheating scandal
2018 |
Patrick, Barbara |
External pressures and internal dynamics in the institutionalization of performance-based budgeting : an endless process?
2018 |
Mauro, Sara Giovanna |
Efficiency, incentives, and transformational leadership : understanding collaboration preferences in the public sector
2018 |
Campbell, Jesse W. |
How to make using two-way mechanisms routine : testing a preliminary model
2018 |
Liao, Yuguo |
Is cost accounting used with other NPM practices? : evidence from European countries
2018 |
Mohr, Zachary |
Relation between display rules and emotive behavior strategies and its outcomes among South Korean public service employees
2018 |
Lee, Hyun Jung |
Beyond performance management : a networked production model of public service delivery
2018 |
Negoita, Marian |
Performance management in public higher education : unintended consequences and the implications of organizational diversity
2018 |
Birdsall, Christopher |
No one can serve two masters : revisiting the interaction effect of love of money and public service motivation on job satisfaction
2018 |
Hsieh, Chih-Wei |
Strategic responsiveness and the minority public manager
2018 |
Molina, Angel Luis |
Speaking like statesmen or scientists : differentiating congressional and administrative views on data
2018 |
Schuelke-Leech, Beth-Anne |
How organizational learning is supported by performance management systems : evidence from a longitudinal case study
2018 |
Deschamps, Carl |
Change agents or cogs in the machine? : female managers and unofficial gender equality in federal agencies
2018 |
Marvel, John D. |
How is the use of performance information related to performance of public sector professionals? : evidence from the field of academic research
2018 |
Vogel, Rick |
Homogeneous national management policies or autonomous choices by administrative units? : inter- and intra-country management tools use variations in European central government administrations
2018 |
Jeannot, Gilles |
Interorganizational collaborations for humanitarian aid : an analysis of partnership, community, and single organization outcomes
2018 |
Nolte, Isabella M. |
Does setting goals and incentivizing results matter for the psychosocial work environment?
2018 |
Opstrup, Niels |