Curiosity in organizations : addressing adverse reactions, trade-offs, and multi-level dynamics
2023 |
Kashdan, Todd B. |
How others light the creative spark : low power accentuates the benefits of diversity for individual inspiration and creativity
2023 |
Hoever, Inga J. |
Mindfully outraged : Mindfulness increases deontic retribution for third-party injustice
2023 |
Kay, Adam A. |
The role of CEO accounts and perceived integrity in analysts' forecasts
2023 |
Skarlicki, Daniel |
Advances in self-narratives in, across, and beyond organizations : editorial
2023 |
Cunningham, Julia Lee |
Food for thought : how curiosity externalization is fostered through organizational identity
2023 |
Hinrichs, Nicole |
Going beyond Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) samples and problems in organizational research
2023 |
Pitesa, Marko |
Indirect cronyism and its underlying exchange logic : how managers' particularism orientation and the third Party's hierarchical power strengthen its existence
2023 |
Chen, Xiao-Ping |
Dirty creativity : an inductive study of how creative workers champion new designs that are stigmatized
2023 |
Harrison, Spencer Huber |
Escaping irony : making research on creativity in organizations more creative
2023 |
Berg, Justin M. |
Going beyond the call of duty under conditions of economic threat : Integrating life history and temporal dilemma perspectives
2023 |
Sirola, Nina |
(Don't) mind the gap? : information gaps compound curiosity yet also feed frustration at work
2023 |
Schweitzer, Vera M. |
Tainted nudge
2023 |
Alempaki, Despoina |
Experimental studies of conflict : challenges, solutions, and advice to junior scholars : editorial
2023 |
Minson, Julia A. |
It's the journey, not just the destination : conveying interpersonal warmth in written introductions
2023 |
Nault, Kelly A. |
The trouble with talent : semantic ambiguity in the workplace
2023 |
Southwick, Daniel A. |
Curious supervisor puts team innovation within reach : investigating supervisor trait curiosity as a catalyst for collective actions
2023 |
Ma, Jie |
Unlocking creative potential : reappraising emotional events facilitates creativity for conventional thinkers
2023 |
Zhu, Lily Yuxuan |
Cheating constraint decisions and discrimination against workers with lower financial standing
2023 |
Lim, Grace J. H. |
"It's not about the money : it's about sending a message!" : avengers want offenders to understand the reason for revenge
2023 |
Molńar, András |