Measuring returns management orientation
2017 |
Chen, Haozhe |
Optimization model for the new coordinated replensihment and delivery problem with multi-warehouse
2017 |
Liu, Rui |
World class sustainable supply chain management : critical review and further research direction
2017 |
Dubey, Rameshwar |
Improving supply chain flexibility and agility through variety management
2017 |
Um, Juneho |
The influence of strategy and concurrent engineering on design for procurement
2017 |
Arnette, Andrew |
A product centric examination of PD/SC alignment decisions at the nexus of product development and supply chains
2017 |
Primus, Dirk J. |
Assessment of logistics service quality using the Kano model in a logistics-triadic relationship
2017 |
Sohn, Jea-Il |
Editorial: the qualitative case study
2017 |
Gammelgaard, Britta |
Can asymmetry impact performance, collaboration and integration? : an empirical study
2017 |
Michalski, Marek |
Perceptions of stakeholder pressure for supply-chain social responsibility and information disclosure by state-owned enterprises
2017 |
Garde Sánchez, Raquel |
Green procurement, stakeholder satisfaction and operational performance
2017 |
Song, Hua |
Organizational design change in multinational supply chain organizations
2017 |
Roh, Joseph |
Internal coordination to enable high load factor
2017 |
Rogerson, Sara |
An examination of drivers and barriers to reducing carbon emissions in China's manufacturing sector
2017 |
Subramanian, Nachiappan |
Supply chain integration and performance relationship : a moderating effects review
2017 |
Tarifa-Fernandez, Jorge |
Supply chain integration strategies in fast evolving industries
2017 |
Sabet, Ehsan |
Multi-period reverse logistics network design with emission cost
2017 |
John, Sajan T. |
Urban transportation : innovations in infrastructure planning and development
2017 |
Narayanaswami, Sundaravalli |
Benchmarking freight rates and procuring cost-attractive transportation services
2017 |
Joo, Seong-Jong |
Towards more efficient logistics : increasing load factor in a shipper's road transport
2017 |
Santén, Vendela |