Teamwork and teamwork training in health care : an integration and a path forward
2018 |
Buljac-Samardzic, Martina |
The role of organizational control systems in employees’ organizational trust and performance outcomes
2018 |
Verburg, Robert M. |
The role of occupational identification during post-merger integration
2018 |
Kroon, David P. |
Are they true to the cause? : beliefs about organizational and unit commitment to sexual harassment awareness training
2018 |
Cheung, Ho Kwan |
Reaping the rewards of functional diversity in healthcare teams : why team processes improve performance
2018 |
Johnson, Anya |
Employees' perceptions of green HRM and non-green employee work outcomes : the social identity and stakeholder perspectives
2018 |
Shen, Jie |
Project complexity and bonding social capital in network organizations
2018 |
Moore, Curt B. |
Within- and between-team coordination via transactive memory systems and boundary spanning
2018 |
Olabisi, Joy |
It's about time : the bonds that unite the unique concepts addressed in the 2018 Group & Organization Management special conceptual issue
2018 |
Gilson, Lucy L. |
The impact of culture on reactions to promise breaches : differences between east and west in behavioral integrity perceptions
2018 |
Friedman, Ray |
Paradoxical virtual leadership : reconsidering virtuality through a paradox lens
2018 |
Purvanova, Radostina K. |
A multilevel theoretical framework integrating diversity and emotional labor
2018 |
Imose, Ruth A. |
Supervisor prosocial motivation, employee thriving, and helping behavior : a trickle-down model of psychological safety
2018 |
Frazier, M. Lance |
Personalized and depersonalized responses to leaders' fair treatment : status judgments and leader-member exchange as mediating mechanisms
2018 |
Al-Atwi, Amer Ali |
Perceived organizational support in health care : the importance of teamwork and training for employee well-being and patient satisfaction
2018 |
Ogbonnaya, Chidiebere |
Training needs for adaptive coordination : utilizing task analysis to identify coordination requirements in three different clinical settings
2018 |
Henrickson Parker, Sarah |
Riddle me this : what do mergers and acquisitions, remote workers, management m-theory, empowered leadership, competitive human resource practices, and positivity within dynamic teams have in common? : answer : outstanding 2017 GOM articles
2018 |
Gardner, William L. |
Conflict in teams : modeling early and late conflict states and the interactive effects of conflict processes
2018 |
Maltarich, Mark A. |
Faking it for the higher-ups : status and surface acting in workplace meetings
2018 |
Thomas, Jane Shumski |
The role of social identity and communities of practice in mergers and acquisitions
2018 |
Spoor, Jennifer R. |