The importance of psychological contracts in human resource management within the new global economy
2012 |
Martínez-León, Inocencia |
Strategic and organizational considerations related to an e-learning model : a case study
2012 |
Calvo, Nuria |
The role of internal communication in commitment management
2012 |
Carazo, José Antonio |
Competence-based profile to characterize successful entrepreneurs
2012 |
Canós-Darós, Lourdes |
Management and leadership of innovative work teams
2012 |
Gutiérrez, Santiago |
Listening and leadership
2012 |
Pagán Castaño, Javier |
Outsourcing the HR function in the new economy : literature, facts, and research agenda
2012 |
Valverde, Mireira |
E-recruitment : the move towards a virtually organized recruitment process
2012 |
Holm, Anna B. |
Organizational commitment and job satisfaction : an empirical analysis of their relationship in private teachers
2012 |
Sánchez-Cañizares, Sandra María |
Staff restructuring in the new economy
2012 |
Fernández Sánchez, José Antonio |
Talent management : a new perspective in human resource management
2012 |
Luna-Arocas, Roberto |
The competency-based human resource management model
2012 |
Valdés Conca, Jorge |
Cross-cultural competences in the new economy
2012 |
Martin-Rubio, Irene |
Toward a unifying framework for defining internal human resource flexibility : a proposal based on the resource-based view approach
2012 |
Beltrán Martín, Immaculada |
Ethics and learning organizations in the new economy
2012 |
Bañón, Alexis |
Competencies 2.0 : a theoretical model for defining and managing a presence plan on the Web
2012 |
Leadership talent development in the new economy
2012 |
Haro, José Manuel de |
Analysis of gender equality in higher management levels : a study model
2012 |
Calvo, Nuria |