Unraveling the MNE wage premium
2020 |
Straaten, Khadija van der |
Springboard internationalization by emerging market firms : speed of first cross-border acquisition
2020 |
Kumar, Vikas |
High-performance work systems and organizational performance across societal cultures
2020 |
Dastmalchian, Ali |
Chinese multinationals' fast internationalization : financial performance advantage in one region, disadvantage in another
2020 |
Kim, Heechun |
National capital city location and subsidiary portfolio expansion : the negative effect of geographic distance to the capital city at inception on the speed of subsequent investments
2020 |
Hutzschenreuter, Thomas |
The construct of institutional distance through the lens of different institutional perspectives : review, analysis, and recommendations
2020 |
Kostova, Tatiana |
Managing the MNE subsidiary : advancing a multi-level and dynamic research agenda
2020 |
Meyer, Klaus |
Highly skilled and well connected : migrant inventors in cross-border M&As
2020 |
Useche, Diego |
Making connections : social networks in international business
2020 |
Cuypers, Ilya R. P. |
Internationalizing firm innovations : the influence of multimarket overlap in knowledge activities
2020 |
Berry, Heather |
Do venture capital firms benefit from international syndicates?
2020 |
Khurshed, Arif |
Fifty years of methodological trends in JIBS : why future IB research needs more triangulation
2020 |
Nielsen, Bo Bernhard |
The local co-evolution of firms and governments in the information age
2020 |
Lundan, Sarianna M. |
Learning in context : grateful reflections on reflections
2020 |
Levinthal, Daniel A. |
Absorptive capacity, socially enabling mechanisms, and the role of learning from trial and error experiments : a tribute to Dan Levinthal's contribution to international business research
2020 |
Lewin, Arie Y. |
Methodological practices in international business research : an after-action review of challenges and solutions
2020 |
Aguinis, Herman |
Research methods in international business : the challenge of complexity
2020 |
Eden, Lorraine |
The JIBS 2019 Decade Award : the Uppsala internationalization process model revisited : from liability of foreignness to liability of outsidership
2020 |
Verbeke, Alain |
Regional and global strategies of MNEs : evisiting Rugman & Verbeke : 2004
2020 |
Rosa, Benjamin |
Born digitals : thoughts on their internationalization and a research agenda
2020 |
Monaghan, Sinéad |