Destination marketing through user personalised content (UPC)
2010 |
Matloka, Joanna |
Dynamic packaging semantic platform for tourismus intermediaries
2010 |
Bilbao, Sonia |
The impact of culture on eComplaints : evidence from Chinese consumers in hospitality organisations
2010 |
Au, Norman |
Quantifying brand values perception in destination websites : a design requirements perspective
2010 |
Yiang, Tao |
Service bundling with seekda! dynamic shop
2010 |
Scicluna, James |
Web usage mining in tourism : a query term analysis and clustering appraoch
2010 |
Pitman, Arthur |
A sociological view of the cybertourists
2010 |
Guex, Valérie |
A comparative analysis of content in traditional survey versus hotel review websites
2010 |
Schegg, Roland |
eTourism for all? : Online travel planning of disabled people
2010 |
Drews, Wolfgang |
Evaluation of the concept of early acceptance tests for touristic mobile applications
2010 |
Bortenschlager, Manfred |
Monitoring and managing visitors flows in destinations using aggregative GPS data
2010 |
Shoval, Noam |
Why some Internet users don't buy air tickets online
2010 |
Bigné Alcañiz, J. Enrique |
Hotel domain name adoption and implementation
2010 |
O'Connor, Peter |
Usability guidelines for WAP-based travel plannung tools
2010 |
Schneider, Sabine |
Online destination marketing : Do local DMOs consider international guidelines for their website design?
2010 |
Hofbauer, Julia |
Applying a conceptual framework to analyze online reputation of tourism destinations
2010 |
Inversini, Alessandro |
Assessing the dynamics of search results in Google
2010 |
Pan, Bing |
An investigation of motivation to share online content by young travelers : why and where
2010 |
Murphy, Hilary Catherine |
ICT efficiency and effectiveness in the hotel sector : a three-stage DEA approach
2010 |
Scholochow, Christina |
Factor analysis of variables affecting e-marketing adoption by UK independent hotels
2010 |
Lim, Wai Mun |