The implementation of a quality management system based on the Q tourist quality standard : the case of hotel sector
2010 |
Viada-Stenger, M. Clara |
Marketing capabilities, stakeholders' satisfaction, and performance
2010 |
Cruz-Ros, Sonia |
Success factors of platform leadership in web 2.0 service business
2010 |
The use of NDAs in the IT service sector
2010 |
Fanimokun, Abiola O. |
Organisational capabilities and transaction costs in the analysis of activities and their externalisation : implications for the service industry
2010 |
Peris-Ortiz, Marta |
The impacts of instructional video advertising on customer purchasing intentions on the Internet
2010 |
Huarng, Kun-huang |
Customer equity : a creative tool for SMEs in the services industry ; how small and medium enterprises can win the battle for innovation
2010 |
Roofthooft, Ward |
Making e-government attractive
2010 |
Willoughby, Michael |
Innovative and creative entrepreneurship support services at universities
2010 |
Arroyo-Vázquez, Mónica |
Focus on practice service process innovation in the Brazilian electric energy sector
2010 |
Uriona-Maldonado, Mauricio |
The appealing characteristics of download type mobile games
2010 |
Convergenomics : strategic innovation in the convergence area
2010 |
Whybark, Clay |
Fostering strategic learning capability to enhance creativity in small service business
2010 |
Wyer, Peter |
Web 2.0 service adoption and entrepreneurial orientation
2010 |
Lim, SeongBae |
A dynamic forecasting model for nursing manpower requirements in the medical service industry
2010 |
Outsourcing agrochemical services : economic or strategic logic?
2010 |
Redondo-Cano, Ana María |
The development of new higher education courses
2010 |
Mainardes, Emerson Wagner |
A comparison of personal entrepreneurial competences between entrepreneurs and CEOs in service sector
2010 |
Garzón, Ma Dolores |
Educational quality as perceived by the actors involved : reflections based on a study in the Environmental Sciences course
2010 |
González-Tirados, Rosa Maria |
Risk factors at the travel destination : their impact on air travel satisfaction and repurchase intention
2010 |
An, Myungsook |