Why do autonomous public agencies use performance management techniques? : revisiting the role of basic organizational characteristics
-2018 |
Verhoest, Koen |
Do rules breed rules? : vertical rule-making cascades at the supranational, national, and organizational level
-2018 |
Kaufmann, Wesley |
Exploring identity dynamics from a combined social exchange and social identity perspective
-2018 |
Avanzi, Lorenzo |
A question of value(s) : political connectedness and executive compensation in public sector organizations
2018 |
Meyer, Renate E. |
Sector differences in employee's perceived importance of income and job security : can these be found across the contexts of countries, cultures, and occupations?
2018 |
Bullock, Justin B. |
The anatomy of retention in the U.S. federal government : exit, voice, or money?
2018 |
Langbein, Laura I. |
The leader-follower dyad : the link between leader and follower perceptions of transformational leadership and its impact on job satisfaction and organizational performance
2018 |
Muterera, Jonathan |
The role of motivation and leadership in public employees' job preferences : evidence from two discrete choice experiments
2018 |
Bellé, Nicola |
Political pressure, conformity pressure, and performance information as drivers of public sector innovation adoption
2018 |
Andersen, Simon Calmar |
Policy target populations and public participation in agency decsision making
2018 |
Neshkova, Milena I. |
Municipalities' choices of service delivery modes : the influence of service, political, governance, and financial characteristics
-2018 |
Schoute, Martijn |
The politics of public housing reform : local government stock transfer in England
2018 |
Alonso, José M. |
Economic reforms and their impacts on informal payments for government services in transition countries
2018 |
Anderson, John E. |
Youth policy innovation in the Netherlands : the realization of centers for youth and families by municipalities
2018 |
Jans, Wouter |
Current-ideal culture incongruence, hierarchical position, and job satisfaction in government agencies
2018 |
Jung, Chan Su |
Symposium on the politics of local public-sector reform : a global perspective on local government reinvigoration
2018 |
Mayne, Quinton |
Increasing citizen access and local government responsiveness in Yichang, China
2018 |
Mingus, Matthew S. |
Building support? : the importance of verbal rewards for employee perceptions of governance initiatives
2018 |
Bøgh Andersen, Lotte |
How should we estimate the performance effect of management? : comparing impacts of public managers’ and frontline employees’ perceptions of management
2018 |
Favero, Nathan |
On the dynamics of reform resistance : why and how bureaucratic organizations resist shared service center reforms
-2018 |
Boon, Jan |