Centralized fiscal spending by supranational unions
2017 |
Simon, Jenny |
Pareto and the upper tail of the income distribution in the UK : 1799 to the present
2017 |
Atkinson, Anthony B. |
Pareto models, top incomes and recent trends in UK income inequality
2017 |
Jenkins, Stephen P. |
Demographic change and R&D-based economic growth
2017 |
Prettner, Klaus |
Do banks lend less in uncertain times?
2017 |
Raunig, Burkhard |
Government size and macroeconomic volatility
2017 |
Collard, Fabrice |
The intergenerational transmission of education : new evidence from adoptions in the USA
2017 |
Silles, Mary |
Defaults, decision costs and welfare in behavioural policy design
2017 |
Chesterley, Nicholas |
The importance of product reformulation versus consumer choice in improving diet quality
2017 |
Griffith, Rachel |
Gender inequality and economic development : fertility, education and norms
2017 |
Kleven, Henrik Jacobsen |
Coase lecture-taxes, targets and the social cost of carbon
2017 |
Pindyck, Robert S. |
Spacey parents and spacey hosts in foreign direct investment
2017 |
Badinger, Harald |
Revisiting the forward premium anomaly using consumption habits : a new Keynesian model
2017 |
De Paoli, Bianca |
Migration when social preferences are ordinal : steady-state population distribution and social welfare
2017 |
Stark, Oded |
The discounted Euler equation : a note
2017 |
McKay, Alisdair |
The anatomy of stagnation in a modern economy
2017 |
Hall, Robert E. |
The design of vertical R&D collaborations
2017 |
Herbst, Patrick |
Two decades of income inequality in Britain : the role of wages, household earnings and redistribution
2017 |
Belfield, Chris |
Dynamic equality of opportunity
2017 |
Roemer, John E. |
Group learning, wage dispersion and non-stationary offers
2017 |
Rotemberg, Julio |