Eliza in the uncanny valley : anthropomorphizing consumer robots increases their perceived warmth but decreases liking
2019 |
Kim, Seo Young |
A wearable sales assistant : capturing dynamic nonverbal communication behaviors using sensor technology
2019 |
Pauser, Sandra |
Spending as protection : the need for safety increases preference for luxury products
2019 |
Ma, Han |
Brand loyalty evolution and the impact of category characteristics
2019 |
Casteran, Gauthier |
Buying free rewards : the impact of a points-plus-cash promotion on purchase and reward redemption
2019 |
Montoya, Ricardo |
Value instantiation : how to overcome the value conflict in promoting luxury brands with CSR initiatives
2019 |
Park, Ji Kyung |
The role of scale-induced round numbers and goal specificity on goal accomplishment perceptions
2019 |
Gunasti, Kunter |
Shipping fee schedules and return behavior
2019 |
Lepthien, Anke |
Sniping in soft-close online auctions : empirical evidence from overstock
2019 |
Cao, Wen |
The effect of message credibility, need for cognitive closure, and information sufficiency on thought-induced attitude change
2019 |
Pfeiffer, Bruce E. |
Consuming together (versus separately) makes the heart grow fonder
2019 |
Garcia-Rada, Ximena |
Influence of the "benefit of the doubt" in online auctions
2019 |
Steinhart, Yael |
Facts-up-front : should food companies follow the FDA or industry label format? : the effects of combining virtue and vice information on consumer evaluations
2019 |
Zlatevska, Natalina |
The Pareto rule in marketing revisited : is it 80/20 or 70/20?
2019 |
McCarthy, Daniel |
Poverty, consumption, and counterintuitive behavior
2019 |
Bryant, Andrew |
Research productivity of faculty at 30 leading marketing departments
2019 |
Van Osselaer, Stijn M. J. |
Matte matters : when matte packaging increases perceptions of food naturalness
2019 |
Marckhgott, Eva |
How do successful scholars get their best research ideas? : an exploration
2019 |
Cao, Cathy |
"It is better to be loved than feared: Machiavellianism and the dark side of internal networking"
2019 |
Dugan, Riley |
The effects of relationship length on customer profitability after a service recovery
2019 |
Béal, Mathieu |