Domestic factors in U.S. Arabian Gulf policy
1982 |
Raoof, Abdul-Hussain |
The future of Arab Gulf studies
1982 |
Perry, John R. |
Gulf security and Islamic unity
1982 |
Semaan, Khalil I. H. |
Future growth in the Arab oil transport industry
1982 |
Bissell, Richard E. |
Integration of the Bedouin population in Abu Dhabi : causes and effects
1982 |
Cordes, Rainer |
The Arab Gulf and the West : the implications of interdependence
1982 |
Balfour-Paul, H. Glen |
Arab Gulf studies : past and present
1982 |
Daniel, Elton L. |
Saudi Arabia in the 1980's : a preferred future
1982 |
Khan, M. A. Saleem |
La Corne de lʹAfrique et la mer Rouge
1982 |
Malécot, Georges R. |
Social structure of some Arabian Gulf states : some trends of development
1982 |
Sergei, Serebrov |
Problems of security and instability in the Arab Gulf
1982 |
Ud Din, Shams |
The future of the family in the Arab Gulf
1982 |
Wikan, Unni |
Imported development, dependency and the future of the Gulf
1982 |
Nagi, Mostafa H. |
Regional security and internal stability in the Arab Gulf
1982 |
Nakhleh, Emile |
Value, rent and international accumulation : towards a political economy of oil in the Arab Gulf
1982 |
Johnson, Michael |
The prospects for the development of social and economic structure of Saudi-Arabia
1982 |
Ozoling, Vasili |
Ahwaz : an Arab territory
1982 |
Moosa, Matti |
International relations in the Arab Gulf : strategic, legal and political perspectives
1982 |
Trotman, Donald |
American perceptions and attitudes
1982 |
Hayes, John R. |
Ethnographical notes about minorities in Iran
1982 |
Franz, Erhard |