An early classic misplaced : Ford W. Harris's economic order quantity model of 1915
2003 |
Erlenkotter, Donald |
Dynamic version of the economic lot size model
2003 |
Wagner, Harvey M. |
The single server queue in heavy traffic
2003 |
Kingman, J. F. C. |
OPT as an enhancement to MRP II
2003 |
Vollmann, Thomas E. |
Push and pull production systems : issues and comparisons
2003 |
Spearman, Mark L. |
Prescription for the waiting-in-line blues : entertain, enlighten, and engage
2003 |
Katz, Karen L. |
Total quality control
2003 |
Feigenbaum, Armand V. |
Zero defections : quality comes to services
2003 |
Reicheld, Frederick F. |
Distinguishing control from learning in TQM : a contingency perspective
2003 |
Sitkin, Sim B. |
Structuring the bill of material for MRP
2003 |
Orlicky, Joseph A. |
Yield management : a tool for capacity-constrained service firms
2003 |
Kimes, Sheryl E. |
Demand management : today's challenge for service industries
2003 |
Crandall, Richard E. |
Total quality management as competitive advantage : a review and empirical study
2003 |
Powell, Thomas C. |
Learning from the quality movement : what did and didn't happen and why?
2003 |
Cole, Robert E. |
The factory as learning laboratory
2003 |
Leonard, Dorothy A. |
How many parts to make at once
2003 |
Harris, Ford W. |
A heuristic method of assembly line balancing
2003 |
Kilbridge, Maurice D. |
Aggregate planning for production : three approaches, efficient and easy to apply
2003 |
Buffa, Elwood S. |
A comparison of Kanban and MRP concepts for the control of repetitive manufacturing systems
2003 |
Rice, James W. |
A method of rating manufactured product
2003 |
Dodge, H. F. |