Using a structural‐form model to analyze the impact of home ownership on unemployment duration
2017 |
Vuuren, Aico van |
Structural FECM : cointegration in large‐scale structural FAVAR models
2017 |
Banerjee, Anindya |
Model selection with estimated factors and idiosyncratic components
2017 |
Fosten, Jack |
Work ethic, social ethic, no ethic : measuring the economic values of modern Christians
2017 |
Colvin, Christopher L. |
Transitions at different moments in time : a spatial probit approach
2017 |
Elhorst, J. Paul |
Absenteeism, gender and the morbidity-mortality paradox
2017 |
Avdic, Daniel |
Weak and strong cross-sectional dependence : a panel data analysis of international technology diffusion
2017 |
Ertur, Kamil C. |
Inference on self-exciting jumps in prices and volatility using high-frequency measures
2017 |
Maneesoonthorn, Worapree |
Empirical bayesball remixed : empirical Bayes methods for longitudinal data
2017 |
Gu, Jiaying |
Identification and estimation of online price competition with an unknown number of firms
2017 |
An, Yonghong |
Income and democracy : a smooth varying coefficient redux
2017 |
Lundberg, Alexander L. |
Loan supply shocks and the business cycle
2017 |
Gambetti, Luca |
Textual analysis in real estate
2017 |
Nowak, Adam |
How to identify and forecast bull and bear markets?
2017 |
Kole, Erik |
Forecasting tail risks
2017 |
De Nicolò, Gianni |
State prices of conditional quantiles : new evidence on time variation in the pricing kernel
2017 |
Metaxoglou, Konstantinos |
Density forecasts with MIDAS models
2017 |
Aastveit, Knut Are |
MM algorithm for general mixed multinomial logit models
2017 |
James, Jonathan |
Identifying relevant and irrelevant variables in sparse factor models
2017 |
Kaufmann, Sylvia |
Nonparametric methods and local‐time‐based estimation for dynamic power law distributions
2017 |
Fernholz, Ricardo T. |