Long-term yield volatility and the term structure : evidence for Italian treasury bonds
1997 |
Addolorato, Flavio |
Central bank control of computer money
1997 |
Wrightson, Graham |
Free trade, foreign debt, and effective policy intervention in a small open economy
1997 |
Molana, Hassan |
The information convent of forward rates : empirical evidence from Germany
1997 |
Gischer, Horst |
On the stability of rational equilibrium prices for risk in an arbitrage free market
1997 |
Schott, Winfried |
Does network economics allow to enlighten banking organization?
1997 |
Levratto, Nadine |
On the compatibility of value at risk, other risk concepts, and expected utility maximization
1997 |
Guthoff, Anja |
Der Delta-Test : Datenselektion und nichtlineare Finanzanalyse am Beispiel der Prognose der britischen Zinsentwicklung
1997 |
Rehkugler, Heinz |
Pricing options with switching volatility
1997 |
Billio, Monica |
Ein Gebrauchtwagen-Preisindex als Underlying zur Reduzierung des Restwertrisikos durch Optionen beim Pkw-Leasing
1997 |
Beyer, Sven |
Option pricing with regularized fractional Brownian motions
1997 |
Aldabe, F. |
Credibility of fixed parities when the life-expectancy of policy-makers is curtailed by political uncertainty
1997 |
Méon, Pierre-Guillaume |
Monetary policy and the term structure of interest rates : a generalisation of McCallum (1994) two-period model
1997 |
Malaguti, Luisa |
Commercial bank risk management : an analysis of the process
1997 |
Santomero, Anthony M. |
Alternative Ansätze zum Überwachungs-Design von Kreditverträgen
1997 |
Bieta, Volker |
Die technische Umsetzung der Europäischen Währungsunion im Finanzsektor der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1997 |
Hartmann, Wendelin |
An aggregate approach to capital requirement standards for financial institutions
1997 |
Scheuenstuhl, Gerhard |
Ertrag und Shortfall-Risiko von Wertsicherungsstrategien mit Optionen unter alternativen Zielrenditen : empirische Evidenzen für den deutschen Aktienmarkt
1997 |
Maurer, Raimond |
The measurement of capital adequacy in proprietary life offices
1997 |
Norkett, Paul |
The impact of an insurance decision on the wealth of stockholders : CAMP approach
1997 |
Cho, Dongsae |