Survive the droughts, I wish you well : principles and cases of liquidity risk management
2017 |
Tuckman, Bruce |
Development and functioning of FX markets in Asia and the Pacific
2017 |
Levich, Richard M. |
Does the bond-stock earnings yield differential model predict equity market corrections better than high P/E models?
2017 |
Lleo, Sébastien |
Too big to fail : measures, remedies, and consequences for efficiency and stability
2017 |
Barth, James R. |
Does political pressure matter in bank lending? : evidence from China
2017 |
Cai, Weixing |
The rise of China's securitization market
2017 |
Tang, Ya |
Managerial gaming of stock and option grants
2017 |
Tian, Yisong Sam |
Do multinational banks create or destroy shareholder value? : a cross-country analysis
2017 |
Gulamhussen, Mohamed Azzim |
High frequency trading and US stock market microstructure : a study of interactions between complexities, risks and strategies residing in U.S. equity market microstructure
2016 |
Abrol, Samir |
Bank diversification and overall financial strength : international evidence
2016 |
Doumpos, Michael |
How accurately can z-score predict bank failure?
2016 |
Chiaramonte, Laura |
The role of sovereign ratings in M&A markets : empirical evidence from Latin America and South East Asia
2016 |
Nguyen, Janna Mai |
The technology of ratings then and now; hiding in plain sight
2016 |
Wilson, Berry K. |
Were US Banks exposed to the Greek debt crisis? : evidence from Greek CDS spreads
2016 |
Cornett, Marcia Millon |
Islamic and conventional equity market movements during and after the financial crisis : evidence from the newly launched MSCI indices
2016 |
Hoque, Hafiz |
A comparison of the efficacy of liquidity, momentum, size and book-to-market value factors in equity pricing on a heterogeneous sample : evidence from Asia
2016 |
Hearn, Bruce |
Dissecting foreign bank lending behavior during the 2008-2009 crisis
2016 |
Choi, Moon Jung |
Who's in charge of fixing the world's financial system? : the un[?]der-appreciated lead role of the G20 and the FSB
2015 |
Nolle, Daniel E. |
The effect of corporate governance on the performance of US investment banks
2015 |
Mamatzakis, Emmanunel |
Trading and investing in volatility products
2015 |
Alexander, Carol |