LEP Beam instrumentation
1991 |
Bovet, C. |
Status of beam instrumentation at the SSC Laboratory
1991 |
Webber, R. C. |
Improvement in the profile and emittance measurement system of the KEK-PS external
1991 |
Tanaka, K. H. |
A real time bunch length monitor using beam spectrum for the TRISTAN AR
1991 |
Jeiri, T. |
Progress on the development of APS beam position monitoring system
1991 |
Decker, G. |
Beam position measurements at the SIS
1991 |
Peters, A. |
Orbit measurement techniques at Daresbury
1991 |
Ring, T. |
High sensitive BPM for linear colliders
1991 |
Suhkarov, N. J. Zinevich, D. P. |
Polarization measurements in electron-Dositron colliders
1991 |
Baier, V. N. |
Investigation of seismic vibrations and relative displacements of linear collider VLEPP
1991 |
Baklakov, B. A. |
Review of beam instrumentation at Fermilab
1991 |
Jackson, G. P. |
CEBAF beam instrumentation
1991 |
Rossmanith, R. |
Beam diagnostics in the UNK
1991 |
Merker, E. A. |
Non-destructive beam profile monitors in the KEK Proton Synchrotron
1991 |
Kawakubo, T. |
A high repetition rate beam profile monitor
1991 |
Rogers, J. T. |
Semiconductor scanistor application for synchrotron light and electron beam parameters measurement
1991 |
Toumanian, A. R. |
Profile measurement of muon beam in the muon storage ring
1991 |
Mizumachi, Y. |
Some methods of narrow-band measurements in beam diagnostic systems for storage rings
1991 |
Medvedko, A. S. |
A vector polarimeter for measurement of spin polarization in electron storage rings
1991 |
Nakajima, K. |
Wake-field characteristics of a high-intensity, multi-bunched beam
1991 |
Ogawa, Y. |