Developing a multi-tier instrument for chemistry teaching: A challenging exercise
2021 |
Habiddin, Habiddin |
The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning with OE4R strategy for scientific argumentation skill
2021 |
Septyastuti, Helda Lupita |
A study of model research oriented cooperative inquiry learning towards student cooperation attitude
2021 |
Harahap, Muntaharrahmi Melati Putri |
5E LC-TPS vs 5E LC learning models; the differences in cognitive learning outcomes on electrolyte and non electrolyte solutions and redox reactions topics
2021 |
Putri, Wulan Rahayu |
Higher order thinking skills (HOTs) aspects portrayed in the chemistry national examination questions: Voices of teachers
2021 |
Widarti, Hayuni Retno |
Identification student misconceptions on reaction rate using a Google forms three-tier tests
2021 |
Hakimah, Nurul |
The development of science process skills and higher order thinking skills oriented test on colligative properties of solutions for 12th grade students
2021 |
Dewi, Nuril Shinta Rakhma |
A green chemistry teaching material: Its validity, practicality, and effectiveness on redox reaction topics
2021 |
Redhana, I. Wayan |
Chemistry aspect of Covid-19 issues: Evaluation of high school students’ critical thinking skills
2021 |
Nihayah, Umi Husnun |
Profile of 11th-grade students’ critical thinking skills in the reaction rate topic and their relationship with learning outcomes
2021 |
Parlan, Parlan |
The effect of the argument-driven inquiry (ADI) based on science, environment, technology, and society (SETS) to students’ concept understanding and scientific argument skill in buffer solution learning: Studied from cognitive style
2021 |
Pan, Maria Alinsia |
From chemistry back to nature, an ethical perception of chemists
2021 |
Wonorahardio, Surjani |
Building scientific explanation: A study of acid-base properties of salt solution
2021 |
Habiddin, Habiddin |
Utilization of online data resources by final year student in completing final year project on biochemistry and biotechnology
2021 |
Suharti, Suharti |
Improvement of creative thinking skills and environmental literacy through the e-module of surrounding nature exploration
2021 |
Al-Muhdhar, Mimien Henie Irawati |
The relationship between knowledge and attitude towards students’ behaviour in environmental literacy
2021 |
Wulandari, Intan Ayu Idha |
Development of learning tools based on pirposal model on respiratory and excretion systems materials
2021 |
Prasetyo, Triastono Imam |
Assessing students’ prior knowledge on critical thinking skills in the biology classroom: Has it already been good?
2021 |
Fausan, Muhammad Mifta |
Implementation of e-module endocrine system based on problem based learning (PBL) to improve students’ creative thinking skills and cognitive learning outcomes
2021 |
Kusumawati, Ghaziah |
The potential of Remap STAD in improving motivation and academic achievement
2021 |
Adawiyah, Rabiatul |