Prediction of coating composition using composite target reactive sputtering and experimental verification
2021 |
Singh, Kulwant |
Growth of RT instability at the accreting magnetospheric boundary of neutron stars
2021 |
Sarkar, Jit |
Activation of deionized water by atmospheric plasma jet in helium gas flow
2021 |
Tan, P. Y. |
Short-pulse laser propagation in a tunnel ionizing plasma and subsequent electron acceleration
2021 |
Gupta, Devki Nandan |
Quantum gravitational wave function for the interior of a black hole and the generalized uncertainty principle
2021 |
Yeom, Dong-han |
Vacuum polarization and persistence on black hole horizon
2021 |
Kim, Sang Pyo |
Generalized integral Gauss’s law of gravity formulating conservation and redistribution of gravitational flux to interpret structural-dynamical relations of disk galaxies
2021 |
Wang, Te-Chun |
Method for rapid performance validation of large TES bolometer array for POLARBEAR-2A using a coherent millimeter-wave source
2021 |
Segawa, Yuuko |
Preliminary study of ground state properties of odd-mass nuclei using the SLy5* within the Skyrme mean-field approach
2021 |
Kelvin-Lee, Kai-Wen |
Major accelerator facilities for nuclear physics in Asia Pacific
2021 |
Tanaka, Kazuhiro |
N scattering length from & photoproduction on the proton near the threshold
2021 |
Ishikawa, T. |
Fundamental physics with cold radioactive atoms
2021 |
Sakemi, Y. |
Nuclear-moment measurements of exotic nuclei using spin-oriented RI beams at RIBF
2021 |
Ichikawa, Yuichi |
Holography of massive ABJM theory with discrete torsion
2021 |
Jang, Dongmin |
Thermal longitudinal photon interaction in mixed space
2021 |
Ahmed, M. A. A. |
Ferromagnetically ordered metal in the single-band hubbard model
2021 |
Koga, Akihisa |
Investigation of the last flavor violation in particle physics
2021 |
Mihara, Satoshi |
Progress in strangeness nuclear physics at J-PARC
2021 |
Nagae, Tomofumi |
Quantum two stream instability in a relativistically degenerate magnetised plasma
2021 |
Sarkar,, Jyotirmoy Goswami, Swarniv Chandra, Jit |
Hydrophilization and hydrophobic recovery of polymers treated by 50 Hz argon plasma
2021 |
Lau, Y. T. |