Sensor-Based Adaptive Instructional Systems in Live Simulation Training
2020 |
Bannan, Brenda |
Dewey's Ethics of Moral Principles and Deliberation: Extending IEEE's Ethics Initiative for Adaptive Instructional Systems
2020 |
DeFalco, Jeanine A. |
An Ambient and Pervasive Personalized Learning Ecosystem: “Smart Learning” in the Age of the Internet of Things
2020 |
Betts, Anastasia |
Toward Zero Authoring: Considering How to Maximize Courseware Quality and Affordability Simultaneously
2020 |
McCarthy, James E. |
Falling Forward: Lessons Learned from Real-Life Implementation of Adaptive Learning Solutions
2020 |
Hursey, Alysson |
Agent-Based Methods in Support of Adaptive Instructional Decisions
2020 |
Sottilare, Robert |
Bayesian Student Modeling in the AC&NL Tutor
2020 |
Saric-Grgié, Ines |
The Mental Machine: Classifying Mental Workload State from Unobtrusive Heart Rate-Measures Using Machine Leaming
2020 |
Hillege, Roderic H. L. |
Pilot State Monitoring for Cursus Recommendation
2020 |
Kopf, Maëlle |
EEG Covariance-Based Estimation of Cooperative States in Teammates
2020 |
Roy, Raphaélle N. |
Learner Modeling in the Context of Caring Assessments
2020 |
Zapata-Rivera, Diego |
Competency Development Through Experiential Training: Mapping Scenarios with Assessments
2020 |
Goldberg, Benjamin |
Exploring Video Engagement in an Intelligent Tutoring System
2020 |
Quigley, David |
Using a Non-player Character to Improve Training Outcomes for Submarine Electronic Warfare Operators
2020 |
Schroeder, Bradford L. |
Learning Traces, Measurement and Assessment Templates for AIS Interoperability
2020 |
Emond, Bruno |
Towards Iteration by Design: An Interaction Design Concept for Safety Critical Systems
2020 |
Witte, Thomas E. F. |
User Rights and Adaptive A/IS — From Passive Interaction to Real Empowerment
2020 |
Ulgen, Ozlem |
Realizing the Promise of AI-Powered, Adaptive, Automated, Instant Feedback on Writing for Students in Grade 3-8 with an IEP
2020 |
Edelblut, Paul |
Adapting the Zone of Proximal Development to the Wicked Environments of Professional Practice
2020 |
Schoenherr, Jordan Richard |
From “Knowing What” to “Knowing When”: Exploring a Concept of Situation Awareness Synchrony for Evaluating SA Dynamics in Teams
2020 |
Prébot, Baptiste |