My colleague just left! : a knowledge-based perspective on coworker departures
2020 |
Anderson, Tracy |
Homeward bound : how private utility is tied to value creation and capture
2020 |
Kryscynski, David |
The dissimilar effects of similarity
2020 |
Cohen, Lisa E. |
Reverse signals in labor markets
2020 |
Shipilov, Andrew |
A bibliometric and topic modeling analysis of the structural divide in the multidisciplinary research on employee mobility
2020 |
Cirillo, Bruno |
Two perspectives on employee mobility : a conversation between Rajshree Agarwal and Matthew Bidwell
2020 |
Agarwal, Rajshree |
Public-sector personnel economics : wages, promotions, and the competence-control trade-off
2020 |
Cameron, Charles M. |
Intra-firm geographic mobility : value creation mechanisms and future research directions
2020 |
Choudhury, Prithwiraj |
Employee external affiliation and inter-firm mobility : evidence from Swedish microdata
2020 |
Balachandran, Chanchal |
Bringing moonlighting into the study of workers, jobs, and careers
2020 |
Cohen, Lisa E. |
Beyond microfoundations
2020 |
Dokko, Gina |
Asymmetric gender homophily in the startup labor market
2020 |
Campero, Santiago |
Hybrid entrepreneurship and labor market frictions
2020 |
Campbell, Benjamin A. |
What law firm spinouts can mean for strategic human capital research
2020 |
Chadwick, Clint |
Who benefits from going home?
2020 |
Broschak, Joe |
Does corporate misconduct affect the future compensation of alumni managers?
2020 |
Groysberg, Boris |
New insights on the myth of capturing value by switching job
2020 |
Cattani, Gino |
Introduction: An integrated perspective of employee intra- and inter-firm mobility
2020 |
Tzabbar, Daniel |
A critical discussion of the empirical issues in employee mobility research
2020 |
Lee, Jeongsik |
No vacancies? : building theory on how organizations move people across jobs
2020 |
Bidwell, Matthew |