Digitalization of Public Procurement: Barriers for Innovation
2020 |
Babica, Viktorija |
Effect of Post-Panamax Containerships on Us Ports and Logistic Networks
2020 |
Gracia, Marco A. Lara |
Was Bernard Lonergan a Second-Order Cyberneticist?
2020 |
Laracy, Fr. Joseph R. |
The Framework of Teacher Competencies - An Evidence-Based Generic Model for Teachers' Training in Europe
2020 |
Poszytek, Pawel |
Generic Integration of VR and AR in Product Lifecycles Based on CAD Models
2020 |
Ulmer, Jessica |
Data Distribution Assessment and Optimal Splitting of Data Sets
2020 |
Heinz, Tim |
Indicators, Factors and Criteria for Assessing of the Customs Performance
2020 |
Cevers, Aldis |
Challenges of Sustainable Company Development: Case of Craft Business in Latvia
2020 |
Grikke, Laura |
Alumni Segmenting for Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Universities
2020 |
Straujuma, Anita |
Experimental Paradigms in the Explanation of Mathematical Concepts
2020 |
Arenas, Rodrigo Alejandro Gutiérrez |
Modeling Workplace Conflict with "Systems Theatre
2020 |
Scholte, Tom |
Cognitive Cellular Automata for Image Segmentation: A Social Learning Metaphor
2020 |
Alzate, Marco A. |
Cluster and Factor Analysis of Satisfaction Perception of B-Learning of Medical Terminology
2020 |
Miervaldis, Karulis |
ALM Program: Ten Years of Educational Technology Interventions at the Faculty of Medicine at the Oldest National University in Peru
2020 |
Medina, Maritza Placencia |
Evaluation Model about Behavior, Quality Perception and Satisfaction of the Drinking Water Service in Trujillo-Peru
2020 |
Rubio, Bertha Ulloa |
Business Model Transformation and Business Viability, Case of Yellow Pages
2020 |
Kasperovica, Ludmila |
A Control System for Strategy Implementation: A Case of a National Standardization Body
2020 |
Piléna, Arta |
Developing Innovation Technology Capacities in Large Manufacturing Firms from Mexico
2020 |
Estrada-Domínguez, Jesás Eduardo |
Multi-Parametric Earthquake Forecasting the New Madrid from Electromagnetic Coupling between Solar Corona and Earth System Precursors
2020 |
Leybourne, Bruce |
CommunicationS and Political Communication Today: New World, New Concepts, and Schemes
2020 |
Rosenko, Svetlana I. |