Understanding the invisible hands of incentives
2019 |
El Refae, Ghaleb A. |
Big data : ethical issues
2019 |
Alnaji, Loay A. |
Service quality and attitudinal loyalty : the mediating effect of delight on retail banking relationships
2019 |
Coetzee, Alex |
An analysis of different Brexit outcomes and their effect on inward FDI to the UK
2019 |
Head, Jeremy |
Testing asymmetry of exchange rate changes on the commodities' exports in Pakistan : a nonlinear ARDL model
2019 |
Mahmood, Haider |
The macroeconomic determinants of stock market development in Malaysia : an empirical analysis
2019 |
Ho, Sin-yu |
Business process and innovation management : the situation of SMEs in Italy
2019 |
Broccardo, Laura |
Reflecting on the innovative performances of European regions in the age of smart specialisation
2019 |
Lopes, João |
Impacts of information quality on decision-making
2019 |
Houhamdi, Zina |
Performance measurement indicators in the healthcare industry : a systematic review
2019 |
AbuJbara, Nida'a K. |
The romance of modern accounting education : an impact from positivism and materialism
2019 |
Sitorus, Jordan Hotman Ekklesia |
Analysis of the researcher's motivators to collaborate with firms as drivers of the triple helix dynamics
2019 |
Calvo, Nuria |
Towards combining the triple helix concept with competence-based approach of educational management theory
2019 |
Gamidullaeva, Leyla Ayvarovna |
Role of the triple helix in the ecosystems for tech start-ups in India : a gap analysis
2019 |
Hillemane, Bala Subrahmanya Mungila |
New and growing firms' entrepreneurs' perceptions and their discriminant power in EDL countries
2019 |
Pilar, Maria De Fátima |
The situation of disadvantaged groups on the labour market in Greece : gap analysis
2019 |
Hyż, Alina |
Does auditor education affect audit opinion? : an empirical study of Turkish listed firms
2019 |
Ocak, Murat |
Inter-organisational network structures and knowledge diffusion through innovation intermediaries
2019 |
Gamidullaeva, Leyla Ayvarovna |
Optimal tax revenues and economic growth in transition economies : a threshold regression approach
2019 |
Aydın, Celil |
University spin-offs and triple helix dynamics in regional innovation ecosystems : a comparison of technology intensive start-ups in Sweden
2019 |
Gabrielsson, Jonas |