A nonlinear certainty equivalent approximation method for dynamic stochastic problems
2017 |
Cai, Yongyang |
Do siblings free-ride in "being there" for parents?
2017 |
Maruyama, Shiko |
The endogenous grid method for discrete-continuous dynamic choice models with (or without) taste shocks
2017 |
Iskhakov, Fedor |
Precautionary saving and aggregate demand
2017 |
Challe, Edouard |
Discretizing nonlinear, non-Gaussian Markov processes with exact conditional moments
2017 |
Farmer, Leland E. |
Does redistribution increase output? : the centrality of labor supply
2017 |
Athreya, Kartik B. |
Dynamic skill accumulation, education policies, and the return to schooling
2017 |
Belzil, Christian |
The distribution of wealth and the marginal propensity to consume
2017 |
Carroll, Chris |
Inference for subvectors and other functions of partially identified parameters in moment inequality models
2017 |
Bugni, Federico A. |
Ascending auctions with bidder asymmetries
2017 |
Coey, Dominic |
Testing ambiguity theories with a mean-preserving design
2017 |
Yang, Chun-lei |
Identifying idiosyncratic career taste and skill with income risk
2017 |
Barth, Daniel |
How to solve dynamic stochastic models computing expectations just once
2017 |
Judd, Kenneth L. |
Testing for fundamental vector moving average representations
2017 |
Chen, Bin |
A note on identifying heterogeneous sharing rules
2017 |
Chiappori, Pierre-André |
Tolerating defiance? : local average treatment effects without monotonicity
2017 |
Chaisemartin, Clément de |
Solving the Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model accurately
2017 |
Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas |
Measuring segregation on small units : a partial identification analysis
2017 |
D'Haultfœuille, Xavier |
On financing retirement with an aging population
2017 |
McGrattan, Ellen R. |
Who is sitting next to you? : peer effects inside the classroom
2017 |
Hong, Sok Chul |