"Composed for the Academy [...] of Cardinal Ottoboni" : exploring the implications behind music and patronage in Corelli's op. 4
2013 |
D'Ovidio, Antonella |
The development of a model : Rome as a resonance space for Corelli's work
2013 |
Pavanello, Agnese |
Contrapuntally crafted, harmonically eloquent : Corelli's Sonatas and the compositional process in the late 17th Century
2013 |
Sanna, Alberto |
"Se il divin Corelli imparerai" : didaktische Anregungen zum Partimento-Studium
2013 |
Cumer, Nicola |
Deconstructing Corelli's bass violin
2013 |
Barnett, Gregory Richard |
Exemplary architecture in Corelli's Rome : old models, new models, non-models
2013 |
Hopkins, Andrew |
Was hat Corelli in der None gefunden?
2013 |
Menke, Johannes |
"... in numero di centocinquanta" : the orchestra in the age of Corelli
2013 |
Nigito, Alexandra |
"Curling graces" and "Vermin" : problems with the ornaments for Corelli op. 5
2013 |
Zaslaw, Neal |
Stylistic influences fo Arcangelo Corelli's music on the Neapolitan violin sonata repertory
2013 |
Olivieri, Guido |
From South to North and from the centre out : Corelli's reception in 18th-Century Switzerland
2013 |
Riedo, Christoph |
Performing Corelli in the 19th Century
2013 |
Brown, Clive |
Monodien - Paradigmen instrumental begleiteten Sologesangs in Mittelalter und Barock : an introduction
2012 |
Llewellyn, Jeremy |
Whose voice is it anyway? : Jacopo Peri and the subjectivities of Florentine solo song c. 1600
2012 |
Carter, Tim |
Selbstreferenz und Inszenierung von Nationalstilen in frühen Monodien Lullys
2012 |
Klaper, Michael |
Ganassi im Kontext : Bemerkungen zur Biographie von Silvestro Ganassi und seinem musikalischen Umfeld
2012 |
Kirnbauer, Martin |
The computer-aided reconstruction on an early viola da gamba
2012 |
Chatziioannou, Vasileios |
Zwischen Bordun, Fauxbourdon und Discantus : zum Dilemma instrumentaler Begleitungsstrategien für mittelalterliche, weltliche Einstimmigkeit
2012 |
Lewon, Marc |
Melisma, tactus, and poetic meter
2012 |
Murata, Margaret |
Orgelspiel versus Orgelverbot : ein Paradigmenstreit im Umfeld der norddeutschen Klosterreform im 15. Jahrhhundert?
2012 |
Hascher-Burger, Ulrike |