Are Adivasis indigenous
2017 |
Alles, Gregory D. |
Towards a typology of academic uses of "indegenous religion(s)", or eight (or nine) languages games that scholars play with this phrase
2017 |
Tafjord, Bjørn Ola |
Global indigeneity and local christianity : performing O'odham identity in the present
2017 |
Schermerhorn, Seth |
Unsettled natives in the Newfoundland imaginary
2017 |
Owen, Suzanne |
Literacy as advocacy in the Donyipolo movement of Northeast India
2017 |
Scheid, Claire S. |
Of ruins and revival : heritage formation and Khoisan Indigenous identity in post-apartheid South Africa
2017 |
Jethro, Duane |
Religion as peoplehood : native American religious traditions and the discourse of indigenous rights
2017 |
McNally, Michael D. |
Indigenous feature film : a pathway for indgenous religion
2017 |
Christensen, Cato |
Sounds indigenous : negotiating identity in an era of world music
2017 |
Hackett, Rosalind I. J. |
Timing indigenous culture and religion : tales of conversion and ecological salvation from the Amazon
2017 |
Ødemark, John |
Is Hinduism the world's largest Indigenous religion?
2017 |
Longkumer, Arkotong |
The beginning of a long journey : maintaining and reviving the ancestral religion among the Ainu in Japan
2017 |
Kimura, Takeshi |
The Shamanic Festival Isogaisa (Norway) : religious meaning-making in the present
2017 |
Fonneland, Trude |
Ethnographies returnes : the mobilisation of ethnographies and the politicisation of Indigeneity in Ifugao, the Philippines
2017 |
Ziegler Remme, Jon Henrik |
Replacing "religion" with Indigenous spirit : grounding Australian Indigenous identity in wider worlds
2017 |
Bevis, Steve |
Global intentions and local conflicts : the rise and fall of Ambuya Juliana in Zimbabwe
2017 |
Cox, James L. |
Afterword : the study of religion and the discourses of indigeneity
2017 |
Tweed, Thomas A. |
U.N.-discourses on indigenous religion
2017 |
Kraft, Siv Ellen |
Not real christians? : on the relation between christianity and indigenous religions in Amazonia and beyond
2017 |
Opas, Minna |
Materialising and performing Hawaiian relidion(s) on Mauna Kea
2017 |
Johnson, Greg |