Market power, ambiguity, and market participation
2023 |
Qiu, Zhigang |
When is the order-to-trade ratio fee effective?
2023 |
Aggarwal, Nidhi |
Gender, learning, and earnings estimate accuracy
2023 |
Bhagwat, Vineet |
Newspapers tone and the overnight-intraday stock return anomaly
2023 |
Saadon, Yossi |
Surprise in short interest
2023 |
Hanauer, Matthias |
The market quality implications of speed in cross-platform trading : evidence from Frankfurt-London microwave networks
2023 |
Rzayev, Khaladdin |
Price bands and their effects on equity markets : evidence from a natural experiment
2023 |
Gatčev, Vladimir A. |
Insider trading regulation and trader migration
2023 |
Merl, Robert |
Quarterly investment spikes, stock returns, and the investment factor
2023 |
Altieri, Michela |
Transaction costs, frequent trading, and stock prices
2023 |
Isaenko, Sergei |
Modern OTC market structure and liquidity : the tale of three tiers
2023 |
Davis, Ryan |
Arbitrage in the market for cryptocurrencies
2023 |
Crépellière, Tommy |
Finding information in obvious places : work connections and mutual fund investment ideas
2023 |
Genc, Egemen |
Market quality surrounding anticipated distraction events : evidence from the FIFA World Cup
2023 |
Drummond, Philip A. |
Machine invasion : automation in information acquisition and the cross-section of stock returns
2023 |
Pungaliya, Raunaq S. |
Profitability anomaly and aggregate volatility risk
2023 |
Barinov, Alexander |
A Bayesian analysis of time-varying jump risk in S&P 500 returns and options
2023 |
Carverhill, Andrew |
Sequential entry in illiquid markets
2023 |
Fardeau, Vincent |
On the choice of central counterparties in the EU
2023 |
Demange, Gabrielle |
The role of idiosyncratic jumps in stock markets
2023 |
Lee, Suzanne S. |