Influence of social media marketing communications on young consumers' attitudes
2017 |
Duffett, Rodney Graeme |
Religiousness and digital piracy among young consumers in an emerging market
2017 |
Arli, Denni |
Children perceptions of emotional and rational appeals in social advertisements
2017 |
Nicolini, Valentina |
Do consumer ethics and consumer religiousness evolve across time? : insights from Millennials in Indonesia
2017 |
Arli, Denni |
Examining the role of consumer lifestyles on ecological behavior among young Indian consumers
2017 |
Adnan, Arham |
Determinants of personal factors in influencing the buying behavior of consumers in sales promotion : a case of fashion industry
2017 |
Fazal ur Rehman |
Digital natives : the engagement experience to online protection
2017 |
Recalde, Monica |
An IMB model testing via endorser types and advertising appeals on young people's attitude towards cervical cancer prevention advertisement in Hong Kong
2017 |
Fung, Maggie S. K. |
The perception of media messages by preschool children
2017 |
Šramová, Blandína |
A structural model of the antecedents and consequences of Generation Y luxury fashion goods purchase decisions
2017 |
Soh, Catherine Qian Ying |
Decision-making dynamics between Spanish mothers, fathers and children
2017 |
Carrero, Isabel |
The young luxury consumer in Qatar
2017 |
Farrag, Dalia Abdel Rahman |
Co-designing with young consumers : reflections, challenges and benefits
2017 |
Durl, James |
What determine shoppers' preferences for malls in an emerging market?
2017 |
Paul, Justin |
Gender and young consumer ethics : an examination in two Southeast Asian countries
2017 |
Tjiptono, Fandy |
Marketing bank services to youth in China
2017 |
Chan, Kara |
Binge watching and college students : motivations and outcomes
2017 |
Panda, Swati |
Co-creating advertising literacy awareness campaigns for minors
2017 |
Daems, Kristien |
Effect of popularity and peer pressure on attitudes toward luxury among teens
2017 |
Gil, Luciana A. |
Typology of measures of children engagement in parental purchase decisions
2017 |
Dikcius, Vytautas |