Incentive compatible allocation and exchange of discrete resources
2017 |
Pycia, Marek |
Allais, Ellsberg, and preferences for hedging
2017 |
Dean, Mark |
Choosing on influence
2017 |
Cuhadaroglu, Tugce |
Multinary group identification
2017 |
Cho, Wonki Jo |
Sovereign debt and incentives to default with uninsurable risks
2017 |
Bloise, Gaetano |
Active learning with a misspecified prior
2017 |
Fudenberg, Drew |
Efficient and strategy-proof allocation mechanisms in economies with many goods
2017 |
Momi, Takeshi |
Preference discovery and experimentation
2017 |
Cooke, Kevin |
Double auction with interdependent values : incentives and efficiency
2017 |
Kojima, Fuhito |
Auction design without quasilinear preferences
2017 |
Baisa, Brian |
On the existence of approximate equilibria and sharing rule solutions in discontinuous games
2017 |
Bich, Philippe |
How do you defend a network?
2017 |
Dziubiński, Marcin |
Job security, stability, and production efficiency
2017 |
Fu, Hu |
Career concerns with exponential learning
2017 |
Bonatti, Alessandro |
Attaining efficiency with imperfect public monitoring and one-sided Markov adverse selection
2017 |
Barron, Daniel |
Preventing bank runs
2017 |
Andolfatto, David |
Choice overload and asymmetric regret
2017 |
Buturak, Gökhan |
Characterization and uniqueness of equilibrium in competitive insurance
2017 |
Luz, Vitor Farinha |
Monopolistic nonlinear pricing with consumer entry
2017 |
Ye, Lixin |
Directives, expressives, and motivation
2017 |
Suzuki, Toru |