Special issue: Military and veterans’ health, health care, and wellbeing |
2018 |
volume 29, number 1 (January 2018) |
Special issue: Defence inflation : multi-country perspectives and prospects |
2016 |
volume 27, number 2 (April 2016) |
Defense spending, natural resources, and conflict |
2014 |
26.2015,1 |
Special issue: The Spanish defence industry |
2014 |
25.2014,1 |
Special issue: The economic impact of violent conflict |
2012 |
24.2013,6 |
Special issue: Conflict and Violence in Colombia |
2012 |
23.2012,2 |
Special issue: Defence spending, economic growth, corruption and inequality |
2012 |
23.2012,6 |
Special issue: Defence spending, economic growth, corruption and inequality |
2012 |
23.2012,4 |
Special issue: The economics of security : a European perspective |
2011 |
22.2011,2 |
Special issue: Economic ramifications of the Israeli-Arab conflict |
2010 |
21.2010,4 |
Special issue: Defence spending : determinants, economic impact and burden sharing issues |
2008 |
19.2008,4 |
Special issue: Defence economics : perspectives from Turkey |
2008 |
19.2008,3 |
Special issue: War and peace issues in the history of economic thought |
2008 |
19.2008,5 |
Special issue: economics and security |
2007 |
18.2007,5 |
Special issue: Memorial essays in honor of Jack Hirshleifer |
2006 |
17.2006,6 |
Special issue: Defence research and development in the 21st century |
2006 |
17.2006,3 |
Special issue: Canadian perspectives on peacekeeping |
2006 |
17.2006,5 |
Special issue: Security challenges and threats in a post-9-11 world |
2005 |
16.2005,5 |
Special issue: Canadian perspectives on defence economics |
2005 |
16.2005,3 |
Special issue: The future of the defence firm |
2004 |
15.2004,6 |