Some basic concepts for marketing renewable energy
2017 |
Friege, Christian |
Consumer preferences for renewable energy
2017 |
Menges, Roland |
Market segmentation for green electricity marketing results of a choice-based conjoint analysis with German electricity consumers
2017 |
Hille, Stefanie Lena |
Certificates in Germany's renewable energy market
2017 |
Leprich, Uwe |
Exploiting the economic opportunities of the energy transition
2017 |
Kemfert, Claudia |
Marketing renewable energy in Italy
2017 |
Bigerna, Simona |
Marketing renewable energy in Japan
2017 |
Raupach-Sumiya, Jörg |
Global markets and trends for renewables
2017 |
Bloche-Daub, Karina |
Direct selling of renewable energy products
2017 |
Friege, Christian |
Marketing of biomethane
2017 |
Herbes, Carsten |
Smart battery systems driving renewable energy markets
2017 |
Schott, Benjamin |
Renewable energies in the contracting market
2017 |
Klöpfer, Ralf |
From energy supplier to capacity manager: new business models in green and decentralized energy markets
2017 |
Schlemmermeier, Ben |
Driving renewables: business models for the integration of renewable energy and e-mobility in Europe
2017 |
Ringel, Marc |
Building a renewables-driven power system : sucesses and challenges in Germany
2017 |
Graichen, Patrick |
Marketing renewable energy in France
2017 |
Cruciani, Michel |
Introducing green electricity as the default option
2017 |
Chassot, Sylviane |
Renewable energy in the marketing of tourism companies
2017 |
Gervers, Susanne |
Marketing renewable energy in the United Kingdom
2017 |
Spataru, Catalina |