Facial expressions to evaluate advertising : a laboratory versus living room study
2017 |
Ausin-Azofra, Jose Manuel |
Investigating the influence of musical congruity in higher education advertising : a genre congruity perspective
2017 |
Abolhasani, Morteza |
Media multitasking and the role of task relevance in background advertising processing
2017 |
Smit, Edith G. |
Can advertisers benefit from the name-letter- and birthday-number effect?
2017 |
Keller, Barbara |
Can disclosures aid children's recognition of TV and website advertising?
2017 |
Vanwesenbeeck, Ini |
Do online reviews affect customers differently when they are actually read?
2017 |
Maslowska, Ewa |
In the beginning was the word: establishing the foundations for creativity research in rhetoric theory
2017 |
Tevi, Alexander |
External and internal context in the coherence of advertisement : an empirical study of the affect to the ad and brand
2017 |
Grochowska, Alicja |
Increasing co-product evaluations by using integrative logos
2017 |
Heberle, Antonia |
Nothing beats quality? The influence of consumer testing signs on the evaluation of print ads
2017 |
Havlicek, Eva |
Effects of brand placement disclosures : an eye tracking study into the effects of disclosures and the moderating role of brand familiarity
2017 |
Smink, Anne R. |
A typology if minimalism in advertising
2017 |
Margariti, Kostoula |
Article or ad? Readers' recognition and evaluations of native advertisements on online news websites
2017 |
Krouwer, Simone |
Don't disturb the dead: customers' attitude toward promotional messages on post-mortem Facebook pages
2017 |
Boeuf, Benjamin |
High and light, dark and heavy? Using metaphoric associations to affect perceptions oh the nutritional content of food products
2017 |
Thomas, Stefan |
In Arabic, English, or a mix? Egyptian consumers' response to language choice in product advertisements, and the role of language attitudes
2017 |
Hooft, Andreu van |
Partnership in the forefront: advertising agencies' roles and business clients' loyalty
2017 |
Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, Maja |
Reflection of values-practices inconsistency in advertising from Finland
2017 |
Saleem, Salman |
Salient appeals in advertising promoting breast self-examination and mammography examination
2017 |
Dobrenova, Fanny V. |
Should she hold it or should she eat it? The efficient pose of testimonials to improve perceptions of tastiness of food products
2017 |
Manouras, Martina |