Portuguese missionaries and early modern antislavery and proslavery thought
2013 |
Alencastro, Luiz Felipe de |
Slaves and the creation of legal rights in Cuba : Coartacion and Papel
2013 |
Fuente, Alejandro de la |
Moments in a postponed abolition
2013 |
Fradera, Josep Maria |
La amistad : Ramón Ferrer in Cuba and the transatlantic dimensions of slaving and contraband trade
2013 |
Zeuske, Michael |
From empires of slavery to empires of antislavery
2013 |
Drescher, Seymour |
The slave trade in the Spanish Empire (1501-1808) : the shift from periphery to center
2013 |
Delgado Ribas, Josep M. |
Spanish merchants and the slave trade : from legality to illegality, 1814-1870
2013 |
Rodrigo y Alharilla, Martín |
Introduction : Colonial Pioneer and Plantation Latecomer
2013 |
Fradera, Josep Maria |
Wilberforce spanished : Joseph Blanco White and Spanish antislavery, 1808-1814
2013 |
Schmidt-Nowara, Christopher |
Antislavery before abolitionism : networks and motives in early liberal Barcelona, 1833-1844
2013 |
Balañà, Albert Garcia |
The economics role of slavery in a non-slave society : the river plate, 1750-1860
2013 |
Garavaglia, Juan Carlos |
Cuban slavery and Atlantic antislavery
2013 |
Ferrer, Ada |