Ethnocentrism and intercultural communication
2017 |
Neuliep, James W. |
Intergroup communication
2017 |
Kienzle, Jennifer |
Exploring intercultural communication problems in health care with a communication accommodation competence approach
2017 |
Baker, Susan C. |
Consuming nations - brand nationality in the global marketplace : a review
2017 |
Wang, Jian |
Experience and cultural learning in global business context
2017 |
Søderberg, Anne-Marie |
Cross-border mediated messages
2017 |
Elasmar, Michael G. |
Intercultural communication in the world of business
2017 |
Ng, Eddy S. |
Theoretical perspectives on communication and cultures
2017 |
Dutta, Uttaran |
Multifaceted identity approaches and cross-cultural communication styles : selective overview and future direction
2017 |
Ting-Toomey, Stella |
Non-Western theories of communication Indigenous ideas and insights
2017 |
Miike, Yoshitaka |
Issues in intercultral communication : a sematic network analysis
2017 |
Barnett, Georg A. |
Cultural communication : advancing understanding in a multi-cultural world
2017 |
Hall, Bradford |
What's past is prologue : lessons from conflict, communication, and culture research from half a century ago
2017 |
Cai, Deborah A. |
Cross-cultural adaption : an identity approach
2017 |
Liu, Shuang |
Intercultural friendship and communication
2017 |
Gareis, Elisabeth |
Stereotyping and communication
2017 |
Zhang, Yunying |
Murky waters : histories of intercultural communication research
2017 |
Baldwin, John |
Cultures, communication, and contexts of intercultural communication
2017 |
Chen, Ling |
Verbal communication across cultures
2017 |
Lim, Tae-Seop |
Interpersonal communication and relationships across cultures
2017 |
Bresnahan, Mary |