Autocratic tensions, cronyism, and the opacity of business information : party newspapers and circulation figures during the Francoist dictatorship : (1939–1975)
2017 |
Gago-Rodríguez, Susana |
Intra-stakeholder alliances in plant-closing decisions : a stakeholder theory approach
2017 |
Fassin, Yves |
CSR and the workplace attitudes of irregular employees : the case of subcontracted workers in Korea
2017 |
Ali, Mohammad A. |
Aligning responsible business practices : a case study
2017 |
Weller, Angeli E. |
Examining the win‐win proposition of shared value across contexts: Implications for future application
2017 |
Voltan, Annika |
Caught in a communicative catch-22? : translating the notion of CSR as shared value creation in a Danish CSR frontrunner
2017 |
Høvring, Christiane Marie |
Tracing stakeholder terminology then and now : convergence and new pathways
2017 |
Griffin, Jennifer J. |
Sense and sensibility : testing an attention-based view of organizational responses to social issues
2017 |
Ferreira, Luciana Carvalho de Mesquita |
Capturing advances in CSR : developed versus developing country perspectives
2017 |
Jamali, Dima |
Sustainability assurance and cost of capital : does assurance impact on credibility of corporate social responsibility information
2017 |
Martínez-Ferrero, Jennifer |
Green intentions under the blue flag : exploring differences in EU consumers' willingness to pay more for environmentally-friendly products
2017 |
Gregory-Smith, Diana |
Corporate volunteering : a bibliometric analysis from 1990 to 2015
2017 |
Dreesbach-Bundy, Suska |
Assessing mission drift at venture capital impact investors
2017 |
Karaomerlioglu, Dilek Cetindamar |
Green governance? : local politics and ethical businesses in Great Britain
2017 |
Bradley, Tony |
The morals of moral hazard : a contracts approach
2017 |
McCaffrey, Matthew |
Leadership styles and corporate social responsibility management : analysis from a gender perspective
2017 |
Alonso-Almeida, María del Mar |
The role of female directors in promoting CSR practices : an international comparison between family and non-family businesses
2017 |
Rodríguez-Ariza, Lázaro |
Sustainable banking in Latin American developing countries : leading to (mutual) prosperity
2017 |
Javier Forcadell, Francisco |
An external perspective on CSR : what matters and what does not?
2017 |
Vashchenko, Marina |
Engaging with environmental stakeholders : routes to building environmental capabilities in the context of the low carbon economy
2017 |
Baranova, Polina |