Is competition engaging? : examining the interactive effects of goal orientation and competitive work environment on engagement
2017 |
Jones, J. Logan |
Human resource approaches to retirement : gatekeeping, improvising, orchestrating, and partnering
2017 |
Lee, Mary Dean |
Career management in high-performing organizations : a set-theoretic approach
2017 |
De Vos, Ans |
Constructive supervisor feedback is not sufficient : immediacy and frequency is essential
2017 |
Kuvaas, Bård |
Why do employees' perceptions of their organization's change history matter? : the role of change appraisals
2017 |
Rafferty, Alannah E. |
Understanding the change-cynicism cycle : the role of HR
2017 |
Brown, Michelle |
The impact of personal resources and job crafting interventions on work engagement and performance
2017 |
Wingerden, Jessica van |
Rating expatriate leader effectiveness in multisource feedback systems : cultural distance and hierarchical effects
2017 |
Kossek, Ellen E. |
Exploring the complementarities within high-performance work systems : a set-theoretic analysis of UK firms
2017 |
Meuer, Johannes |
Keeping their cards close to their chests : how non-delegating CEOs avoid forced career ends
2017 |
Oehmichen, Jana |
The value of CEO mobility : contextual factors that shape the impact of prior CEO experience on market performance and CEO compensation
2017 |
Bragaw, Nathan A. |
Human capital factors affecting human resource (HR) managers' commitment to HR and the mediating role of perceived organizational value on HR
2017 |
Oh, In-Sue |
Employee voice, supervisor support, and engagement : the mediating role of trust
2017 |
Holland, Peter Jeffrey |
The costs of exhibiting organizational citizenship behavior
2017 |
Deery, Stephen |
Flexible working, individual performance, and employee attitudes : comparing formal and informal arrangements
2017 |
De Menezes, Lilian M. |
Understanding employees' perceptions of human resource practices : effects of demographic dissimilarity to managers and coworkers
2017 |
Jiang, Kaifeng |
Task conflict and employee creativity : the critical roles of learning orientation and goal congruence
2017 |
De Clercq, Dirk |
High job performance through co-developing performance measures with employees
2017 |
Groen, Bianca A. C. |
Individualization and marketization of responsibility for gender equality : the case of female managers in China
2017 |
Tatli, Ahu |
Intellectual capital-enhancing HR, absorptive capacity, and innovation
2017 |
Soo, Christine W. |