Perspektivismus im Briefwechsel von Leibniz und Antoine Arnauld : Projekt eine neuen Kommentars
2016 |
Gutschmidt, Holger |
Smoke and mirrors : reflection, mechanism and imitation in Leibniz
2016 |
Gutiérrez Aguilar, Ricardo |
Die (föderale) Ordnungsvision von Leibniz für Europa
2016 |
Nitschke, Peter |
Leibniz und die Idee Europas
2016 |
Roldán, Concha |
"Leibniziana Hebraica" : texts about Leibniz and his thought in hebrew
2016 |
Zonta, Mauro |
Le "bivium" de Cudworth : l'intellectualisme de Leibniz vs. le "volontarisme" de Suárez : deux "supposita" dans l'âme raisonnable
2016 |
Gaiada, María Griselda |
Ausdruck, Funktion, Symbol : G. W. Leibniz' Expressionsbegriff und seine Rezeption bei E. Cassirer
2016 |
Herrera Castillo, Laura E. |
Mode and monad : the discussion on individuals in Leibniz's and Spinoza's metaphysics
2016 |
Velázquez Hernández, Edith |
God as monarch : on the relationship between natural theology and natural law
2016 |
Glowienka, Edward W. |
Materialism and the political invention of religion : Leibniz, Hobbes and the erudite libertines
2016 |
Lærke, Mogens |
Der junge Leibniz als Osteuropa-Experte
2016 |
Gángó, Gábor |
De la défense vers l'argument : lecteurs protestants de Leibniz au XVIIIe siècle en Europe Orientale
2016 |
Egyed, Emese |
The conception of human nature by Leibniz
2016 |
Şooş, Amelia-Maria |
Perspectivism, expression, and logic in Leibniz : a foundational essay
2016 |
Esquisabel, Oscar M. |
A moral approach to Leibniz's perspectivsim and his notion of justice
2016 |
Casales-García, Roberto |
On possible justice : Thoughts on Leibniz's "Portrait d'un Prince"
2016 |
Velasco Guzmán, Luis A. |
Is it possible to understand (represent) Leibniz's physics from perspectivism?
2016 |
Vargas Elizondo, Celso |
Spatial expression : Leibniz's perspectivism and the representation of nature
2016 |
Ruiz Gómez, Leonardo |
Paths of reason : Descartes between Leibniz and Huygens
2016 |
Palomo, Miguel |
Leibniz' ontologischer Perspektivismus : un point de vue
2016 |
Neumann, Hardy |