Essay on Albrecht Böttcher
2017 |
Silbermann, Bernd |
Salutatory with regards from the mathmatics students in Chemnitz
2017 |
Jahns, Jonas |
Meeting Albrecht the strong
2017 |
Speck, Frank-Olme |
Asymptotics of Eigenvalues for pentadiagonal symmetric Toeplitz matrices
2017 |
Barrera, M. |
On the asymptotic behavior of a log gas in the bulk scaling limit in the presence of a varying external potential II
2017 |
Bothner, Thomas |
On the norm of linear combinations of projections and some characterizations of Hilbert Spaces
2017 |
Krupnik, Nahum |
The Haseman boundary value problem with slowly oscillating coefficients and shifts
2017 |
Karlovich, Yu. I. |
Commutator estimates comprising the Frobenius norm : looking back and forth
2017 |
Lu, Zhiqin |
Error estimates for the ESPRIT algorithm
2017 |
Potts, Daniel |
The universal algebra generated by a power partial isometry
2017 |
Roch, Steffen |
Norms, condition numbers and pseudospectra of convolution type operators on intervals
2017 |
Seidel, Markus |
Natural boundary for a sum involving Toeplitz determinants
2017 |
Tracy, Craig A. |
A Riemann-Hilbert approach to filter design
2017 |
Wegert, Elias |
The theory of generalized locally Toeplitz sequences : a review, an extension, and a few representative applications
2017 |
Garoni, Carlo |
On a collocation-quadrature method for the singular integral equation of the notched half-plane problem
2017 |
Junghanns, Peter |
The Bézout equation on the right half-plane in a Wiener space setting
2017 |
Groenewald, G.J. |
Albrecht Böttcher : 20 years of friendship and joint work
2017 |
Grudsky, Sergei |
Personal address on the occasion of Albrecht Böttcher's 60th birthday
2017 |
Wenzel, David |
The beginning (the way i remember it)
2017 |
Spitkovskij, Il'ja M. |
Useful bounds on the extreme Eigenvalues and vectors of matrices for Harper's operators
2017 |
Bump, Daniel |