Organisation culture from systems theory of organisation perspective
2017 |
Piekarczyk, Anna |
The role of Guanxi, Ubuntu, and Wasta in shaping workplace leadership and culture : a conceptual framework
2017 |
Lutomia, Anne Namatsi |
Strategic decision making from the viewpoint of systems thinking : the role of values and context
2017 |
Zlatanović, Dejana |
Personal values as a building block for social responsibility of higher education institutions
2017 |
Nedelko, Zlatko |
The importance of behavior and personal values for managers' attitudes towards innovativeness : empirical evidence from Austria, Poland, and Slovenia
2017 |
Nedelko, Zlatko |
Different cultures different people
2017 |
Lazányi, Kornélia |
Leadership behavior predictor of employees' job satisfaction and psychological health
2017 |
Lorber, Mateja |
Corporate social responsibility values of managers in transforming societies
2017 |
Lang, Rainhart |
Interface between stress and labour productivity
2017 |
Skačkauskienė, Ilona |
Cyberloafing: an emerging online counter-productive work behaviour
2017 |
Ching, J-Ho Siew |
Influences of personal experience in decision-making
2017 |
Spiegel, Thais |
The role an importance of culture in organization
2017 |
Kumar, Manoj |
National culture and its relationship with innovation and corruption
2017 |
Silva, Pedro |
Understanding the impact of organisational culture on managers' internal career needs
2017 |
Maher, Chi |
Core values and formalization as determinants of individual behavior in an organization : a managerial perspective
2017 |
Swiatek-Barylska, Ilona |
Project management culture
2017 |
Kopczyński, Tomasz |
Role of masculinity and uncertainty avoidance orientation in the relationship between team learning behavior and self-efficacy
2017 |
Mustafa, Ghulam |
The flexibility of the workplace and working time : analysis of employees' preferences in Poland
2017 |
Skowron-Mielnik, Beata |
Empathy and leadership from the organizational perspective
2017 |
Shalev, Nira |