Activities related to innovation and entrepreneurship in the academic setting : a literature review
2017 |
Schmitz, Ademar |
Universities in the context of the knowledge-based society according to systemism : evidences from a Brazilian community university
2017 |
Schmitz, Ademar |
Title variables that determine the characteristics of university spin-off support programs
2017 |
Beraza-Garmendia, José María |
Entrepreneurship at the Universitat Politècnica de València
2017 |
Rueda-Armengot, Carlos |
Entrepreneurship by students in tourism degree program. A cross-cultural analysis
2017 |
Río Rama, María de la Cruz del |
The impact of entrepreneurship education programs on student entrepreneurial orientations : three international experiences
2017 |
Ferreira, João J. M. |
Entrepreneurial University : educational innovation and technology transfer
2017 |
Saiz-Santos, María |
A quest for the research centres about entrepreneurship in Spanish universities
2017 |
Blanco-González, Alicia |
Development motivation of student abilities and skills through a business activity
2017 |
Martínez, Raúl Gómez |
CETYS University : teaching in a proactive and entrepreneurial university
2017 |
Peris-Ortiz, Marta |
Entrepreneurship and university : how to create entrepreneurs from university institutions
2017 |
Vaquero-García, Alberto |
Entrepreneurial initiatives in Colombian universities : the innovation, entrepreneurship and business center of Sergio Arboleda University
2017 |
Alonso-Gonzalez, Antonio |
University incubators may be socially valuable, but how effective are they? : a case study on business incubators at universities
2017 |
Bennett, Dag |
Assessment of autonomous learning skill through multi-criteria analysis for online ADE students in Moodle
2017 |
Castro, Mónica de |
Intrapreneuring within a higher education institution : introducing virtual business internships
2017 |
Sanahuja Vélez, Gisela |
Assessing the entrepreneurial orientation of university departments. A comparative study between Italy and Spain
2017 |
Riviezzo, Angelo |
The influence of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions
2017 |
Ferreira, João J. M. |
The influence of university context on entrepreneurial intentions
2017 |
Díaz-Casero, Juan Carlos |
Transversal competences acquisition by assigning collaborative work group roles
2017 |
Babiloni, Eugenia |
A study on entrepreneurship at the University of Valencia
2017 |
Bustos-Contell, Elisabeth |