Religious tourism in Turkey
2016 |
Türker, Nuray |
The role and potential of halal tourism in Turkey
2016 |
Tuna, Fikret |
Globalization, mass tourism, and sustainable development
2016 |
Egresi, Istvan |
History of tourism development in Turkey
2016 |
Yolal, Medet |
Tourism and sustainability in Turkey : negative impact of mass tourism development
2016 |
Egresi, Istvan |
Alternative tourism : definition and characteristics
2016 |
Egresi, Istvan |
Nature-based tourism in Turkey : the Yayla in Turkey's Eastern Black Sea region
2016 |
Alaeddinoğlu, Faruk |
Geotourism in Turkey
2016 |
Akbulut, Gülpınar |
Festivals as a short-duration tourism attraction in Turkey
2016 |
Özdemir, Gökçe |
Beyond fordism and flexible specialization in Antalya's mass-tourism economy
2016 |
Terhorst, Pieter |
An alternative view of ecotourism with a specific reference to Turkey
2016 |
Erdoğan, Nazmiye |
Community-based tourism as sustainable development
2016 |
Tucker, Hazel |
Local gastronomy : a tasty tourist attraction in Turkey
2016 |
Egresi, Istvan |
The challenges on sustainability of alternative forms of tourism
2016 |
Gezici, Ferhan |
Public policy and sustainable alternative tourism
2016 |
Turanlıgil, Fatma Gül |
Between traditional and modern : thermal tourism in Turkey
2016 |
Kervankıran, İsmail |
Great potential of the colourful cultural heritage of Turkey : ethnic tourism
2016 |
Çalışkan, Vedat |
Dark tourism and its potential in Turkey
2016 |
Yüzbaşıoğlu, Nedim |
Medical tourism
2016 |
Karakoc, Emine Yilmaz |
Shopping and tourism in Turkey : the perfect combination
2016 |
Egresi, Istvan |