Per chi suona la campan(ell)a? : la dotazione di infrastrutture scolastiche in Italia? : (for whom the bell tolls : the availability of school infrastructures in Italy)
2023 |
Bucci, Mauro |
On the design of grant assignment rules
2023 |
Modena, Francesca |
Back to Tinbergen and Theil : a model of conflict resolution for policy games
2023 |
Candela, Guido |
New evidence on the service lives of capital goods of Italian firms
2023 |
Mattevi, Elena |
L' ineguale trattamento degli eguali : impatto delle recenti modifiche al sistema tax-benefit in Italia, (the unequal treatment of equals, impact of recent changes to the tax-benefit system in Italy)
2022 |
Boscolo, Stefano |
Remote working during COVID-19 outbreak : workers' well-being and productivity
2022 |
Biasi, Paola |
The ECB's new definition of price stability : better but short of specifics
2022 |
Wyplosz, Charles |
Besides promising economic growth, will the Italian NRRP also produce fewer emissions?
2022 |
Romani, Ilenia |
La sanità italiana all’appuntamento con la pandemia : debolezze strutturali e prospettive di riforma = The Italian health service at the rendezvous with the pandemic : structural weaknesses and prospects for reform
2022 |
Gigio, Luciana Aimone |
The role of household sentiments and expectations during the COVID-19 crisis : evidence from the special survey of Italian households
2022 |
Neri, Andrea |
The impact of EU-ETS on trade : evidence on Italian manufacturing firms
2022 |
Locatelli, Andrea |
Adaptation to weather shocks through labor reallocation : evidence from Italy
2022 |
Olper, Alesandro |
Monetary policy during the pandemic : fit for purpose?
2022 |
Blot, Christophe |
Inflation expectations : models and measures
2022 |
Alcidi, Cinzia |
Energy intensity convergence and its long-run minimum
2022 |
Emmerling, Johannes |
Trust in local institutions and citizens' subjective well-being : evidence from the case of Modena
2022 |
Coppeta, Gaetano Francesco |
L' assegno unico e universale e la revisione dell'IRPEF del 2022 : un'analisi di equità ed efficienza per le famiglie di lavoratori dipendenti (the unique and universal familiy allowance and the revision of personal income tax in Italy, an equity and efficiency analysis for employees)
2022 |
De Rosa, Dalila |
International investment agreements and FDI inflows in Africa
2022 |
Benfratello, Luigi |
Monetary policy in the time of COVID-19, or how uncertainty is here to stay
2022 |
Demertzis, Maria |
Shocks in Europe, changes in uncertainty, and policies
2022 |
Benigno, Pierpaolo |