Do shareholder rights influence the direct costs of issuing seasoned equity?
2019 |
Autore, Don M. |
Public news announcements, short-sale restriction and informational efficiency
2019 |
Choy, Siu Kai |
Testing for the underlying dynamics of bank capital buffer and performance nexus
2019 |
Bagntasarian, Anachit |
On corporate financial distress prediction : what can we learn from private firms in a developing economy? : evidence from Greece
2019 |
Charalambakis, Evangelos C. |
Do forward-looking narratives affect investors’ valuation of UK FTSE all-shares firms?
2019 |
Hassanein, Ahmed |
Management's personal ideology and financial reporting quality
2019 |
Notbohm, Matthew |
Relative value in corporate bond sectors
2019 |
Leng, Fei |
Uncertainty of political subsidy, heterogeneous beliefs, and IPO anomalies
2019 |
Liu, Bo |
Debt rollover-induced local volatility model
2019 |
Sokolinskiy, Oleg |
Does CEO managerial ability matter? : evidence from corporate investment efficiency
2019 |
Gan, Huiqi |
The link between the share of banks’ Level 3 assets and their default risk and default costs
2019 |
Mohrmann, Ulf |
Do spot food commodity and oil prices predict futures prices?
2019 |
Cartwright, Phillip A. |
Systematic risk, the tradeoff of leverage and IPO first-day returns
2019 |
Ben Aissia, Dorsaf |
Investor sentiment and aggregate stock returns : the role of investor attention
2019 |
Mbanga, Cedric |
The effect of local political corruption on earnings quality
2019 |
Xu, Hongkang |
Price discovery and price leadership of various investor types : evidence from Taiwan futures markets
2019 |
Chen, Wei-Kuang |
Crude oil and gasoline volatility risk into a Realized-EGARCH model
2019 |
Ben Sita, Bernard |
Asymmetric sensitivity of executive bonus compensation to earnings and the effect of regulatory changes
2019 |
Kwon, Sung S. |
Inside the board room : the influence of nationality and cultural diversity on cross-border merger and acquisition outcomes
2019 |
Cao, Jian |
The interaction between accounting and real earnings management using simultaneous equation model with panel data
2019 |
Hamza, Sarra Elleuch |