What is real in realism?
2015 |
Armstrong, Nancy |
Information unveiled
2015 |
Menke, Richard |
Marketing effect : the nineteenth-century sensation novel
2015 |
Cvetkovich, Ann |
The psyche in pain; Dream and trance : Gaskell's 'North and South' as a "condition of consciousness" novel
2015 |
Matus, Jill L. |
Disinterestedness and liberalism
2015 |
Malachuk, Daniel S. |
Imperial Gothic : atavism and the occult in the British adventure novel, 1880-1914
2015 |
Brantlinger, Patrick |
'Daniel Deronda' and the afterlife of ownership
2015 |
Nunokawa, Jeff |
Literary appropriations
2015 |
Poovey, Mary |
Physiological poetics : Patmore, Hopkins, and the uncertain body of Victorian poetry
2015 |
Rudy, Jason R. |
Rewriting 'A History of the Lyre' : Letitia Landon, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the (re)construction of the nineteenth-century woman poet
2015 |
Peterson, Linda H. |
Atheist prophecy : Mathilde Blind, Constance Naden, and the Victorian poetess
2015 |
LaPorte, Charles |
Composing the novel body : re-membering the body and the text in 'Little Dorrit'
2015 |
Novak, Daniel Akiva |
Realism and photography
2015 |
Green-Lewis, Jennifer |
Genre fiction and the sensational
2015 |
Gilbert, Pamela K. |
Religion and literature
2015 |
Knight, Mark |
The remnant of the mythical; Fit and misfitting : anthropomorphism and the natural order
2015 |
Beer, Gillian |
Darwinian science and Victorian respectability
2015 |
Dawson, Gowan |
Darwin and Victorian culture
2015 |
Smith, Jonathan |
The discourse of physiology in general biology
2015 |
Rylance, Rick |
The female relations of Victorian England
2015 |
Marcus, Sharon |