Entering new markets : the effect of performance feedback near aspiration and well below and above it
2017 |
Ref, Ohad |
Conflict inside and outside : social comparisons and attention shifts in multidivisional firms
2017 |
Hu, Songcui |
A tale of two effects : using longitudinal data to compare within- and between-firm effects
2017 |
Certo, S. Trevis |
Do foreign entrepreneurs benefit their firms as managers?
2017 |
Kulchina, Elena |
Strategic interaction in alliances
2017 |
Panico, Claudio |
Top management team incentive heterogeneity, strategic investment behavior, and performance : a contingency theory of incentive alignment
2017 |
Steinbach, Adam L. |
Is R&D risky?
2017 |
Bromiley, Philip |
Rent appropriation of knowledge-based assets and firm performance when institutions are weak : a study of Chinese publicly listed firms
2017 |
Qian, Cuili |
Cross-border acquisitions and the asymmetric effect of power distance value difference on long-term post-acquisition performance
2017 |
Huang, Zhi |
Alliance portfolio reconfiguration following a technological discontinuity
2017 |
Asgari, Navid |
Driven by aspirations, but in what direction? : performance shortfalls, slack resources, and resource-consuming vs. resource-freeing organizational change
2017 |
Kuusela, Pasi |
Reconfiguration, restructuring and firm performance : dynamic capabilities and environmental dynamism
2017 |
Girod, Stéphane J. G. |
Competitive repertoire complexity : governance antecedents and performance outcomes
2017 |
Connelly, Brian L. |
Corporate diversification and the value of individual firms : a Bayesian approach
2017 |
Mackey, Tyson B. |
Resource ambidexterity through alliance portfolios and firm performance
2017 |
Wassmer, Ulrich |
When is cash good or bad for firm performance?
2017 |
Deb, Palash |
Competitive heterogeneity, cohorts, and persistent advantage
2017 |
Madsen, Tammy L. |
Policy risk, strategic decisions and contagion effects : firm-specific considerations
2017 |
Blake, Daniel J. |
The expanding domain of strategic management research and the quest for integration
2017 |
Durand, Rodolphe |
Entrepreneurial beacons : the Yale endowment, run-ups, and the growth of venture capital
2017 |
Sekou Bermiss, Y. |