A unifying approach to incentive compatibility in moral hazard problems
2017 |
Kirkegaard, René |
Dynamic contracting : an irrelevance theorem
2017 |
Eső, Péter |
Repeated Nash implementation
2017 |
Mezzetti, Claudio |
General revealed preference theory
2017 |
Chambers, Christopher P. |
On the equivalence of large individualized and distributionalized games
2017 |
Khan, Mohammed Ali |
A theory of political gridlock
2017 |
Ortner, Juan |
One dimensional mechanism design
2017 |
Moulin, Hervé |
Rationally inattentive preferences and hidden information costs
2017 |
Oliveira, Henrique de |
Social distance and network structures
2017 |
Iijima, Ryota |
Bounding equilibrium payoffs in repeated games with private monitoring
2017 |
Sugaya, Takuo |
Improving matching under hard distributional constraints
2017 |
Fragiadakis, Daniel |
Magical thinking : a representation result
2017 |
Daley, Brendan |
Equilibria in symmetric games : theory and applications
2017 |
Hefti, Andreas |
Bayesian games with a continuum of states
2017 |
Hellman, Ziv |
Capital-labor substitution, structural change, and growth
2017 |
Alvarez-Cuadrado, Francisco |
Monopolistic nonlinear pricing with consumer entry
2017 |
Ye, Lixin |
Directives, expressives, and motivation
2017 |
Suzuki, Toru |
Sequential voting and agenda manipulation
2017 |
Barberà, Salvador |
Competing with asking prices
2017 |
Lester, Benjamin |
Modeling infinitely many agents
2017 |
He, Wei |